(no subject)

Jan 04, 2009 09:11

Tyger! I'm sorry your fic is so late, I was having a "CAN'T WRITE ;_____;" phase. ...and might still be. I hope it suffices.

Happy New Year, everyone, and let's make this one better than the last. I've had a great holiday. Except the summer weather has been bad - cold and cloudy, without even the decency to rain half the time. But most things have been great, e.g.

Brick!* Gunnerkrigg Court!*** Girl Genius!*** Hexwood!** The Homeward Bounders!!** Big Wolf on Campus! BUT I'M A CHEERLEADER!* Haruhi Suzumiya! Discworld!** The Lost Boys! Night at the Museum!*

So great.

It was really good to see all my family again, and as a bonus, no one tried to kill anyone else. (A great change from the usual family dynamic. No, we love each other, really. [Mostly.])

I got a hairstyle that looked damn hot at the hairdresser's, and like wannabe Farrah Fawcett by the time I got home. (Curse you, humidity!) Where's my Bon Jovi CDs? I'M BRINGING THE EIGHTIES BACK.

I finally read the translation of Axel's story in the Kingdom Hearts novel tie-in, and concluded that Kingdom Hearts (or at least COM and II) are an excellent argument against making a story based on 'that would be awesome!' BE COHERENT, aslkdjfaljgrh. On the other hand, emo teenager Axel is hilarious. Here I thought that was Roxas's territory. Marluxia and Larxene's instant bonding is also neat.

I'll be going from (home) home to (city) home soon, and it's a weird to be able to put it that way. Nice, though. How could more home be a bad thing?

Also! In one of those I-Love-These-Fics posts I complained about all the Aziraphale/Crowley in Good Omens fandom. My complaint stands, but somehow the pairing becomes a lot more fun when mixed with the 2008 US elections. Who knew. SEVEN SIGNS, SEVEN SEALS (DELIVERED - I’M YOURS!)

Am I done? I'm done!

EDIT: Wait no I lied. One more thing. 4chan: What have you done?!


* watch this
** read this
*** read Gunnerkrigg Court here and Girl Genius here

i can't shut up!, yuletide, that ain't right, reborn!, kingdom hearts, recs, that's wrong, yu-gi-oh!

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