(no subject)

Nov 09, 2008 16:44

Weekly Shonen Jump, quit playing games with my heart. When I think things are boring and I should leave manga alone for a few weeks, things go and *happen*.

Bleach was mostly boring, though it's fun seeing Soi Fong throwing down, BUT THEN THERE WAS THE END. My immediate hope was Gin, but the discussion post on soul_society raised the point that Hinamori is a good bet. BE MOMO BE MOMO BE MOMO PLEASE? Or Vizoreds. Vizoreds are okay too. But I feel tiny crazy people are the way forward. Haha, Hitsugaya would have fits. Probably Yamamoto would too.

And Reborn! Chapter 216 was so typically shonen it was irritating, but this chapter makes it up. Uh, not least because of everyone's moe face. But I really liked how Tsuna got out of that problem - at first it looked like he would magic away the illusions with earnest looks and sweetness of heart (no. ew), but thank you Amano, because freezing everyone's hands is a neat, reasonable, and Tsuna way to take care of the danger. And again I am reminded of how good Amano is about keeping individual fights to a relatively short length. 5 chapters for a main character fight is a good amount.

Dear Amano Genkishi, learn perspective for your illusions. What is up with everyone's legs in the middle row? (Amano is a better artist than this, surely?) (But it's made up in Lal's case with the bottom panel. Hurr hurr.)

A+ for gratuitous Giotto. I hope he gets a personality someday. Who votes for hilarious time machine troubles that shoots the Vongola crew back into the days of Primo and Secondo when the Millefiore arc finishes? (Gokudera meeting Giotto = *such a crush*.) :D

I admit it, I laughed at "IT'S OVER 200 000?!" But oh Spanner is so cute so cute so cute I don't know what to do about it. So cute.

And then THE ROUND WHITE MACHINE!!11! And the expression on Spanner's face like Tsuna has been displaced from the throne of Favourite Toy!

Maybe I should give manga a rest anyway. Now that things are getting interesting, it'd be nice to get a lot of answers all at once.

Work is going fine. I have more to do now, which is good. The first couple of days no one quite knew what to do with me. It's vaguely depressing how surprised people am at the fact that I have basic intelligence, though ("You did that Google search so quickly! :D"). How braindead were previous interns? The stuff I do is technically not interesting, but fortunately I'm skilled at keeping myself in an advanced state of panic about even the most basic tasks in case I'm not doing them properly.

Sanity: It would be nice.

meta, reborn!, bleach

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