This was entirely inevitable

Oct 11, 2008 15:26

"What flame type would the characters be?" is KHR's very own "What Hogwarts house would they be in?"

So, Yuugiou characters with flames!

Yuugi: Sky sky sky sky sky sky he's sky, there's no other way.

Yami: Sky as well, naturally, in a lovechild of Xanxus and Yuugi kind of way - what did I just write. The lovechild of Xanxus and Yuugi would have the best hair ever, paint explosion x small woodland animals. I mean that he can assess people coolly and use that to his benefit, but he also loves his buddies and treats people well enough (minus psychosis brought on by a few millennia in darkness).

Anzu: Storm. Raging wind that never stops, or okay, in her case it's more like 'shuts up'. I tend to think that storm people are driven, and Anzu has her go-to-America goal that she insists on having and works for in spite of big difficulties. Besides that, she'll step right into any kind of mess when her sense of justice/duty/cussedness prompts her to. Hell, she'll take a running start.

Honda: Rain. That bit where Mammon says rain means "squaring accounts, washing away blood spilled" make me think that these types go around and do the stuff no one wants to or thinks of when the party's over or the killing needs to stop. That's Honda, Mr Dependable. Look at him sacrificing his life in Death-T, and being the one who keeps an eye on Bakura.

Jounouchi: sun, lightning, sun, lightning? Their function is practically the same! ...Lightning wins, because lightning types have this element of striving to be cool/noticed (have you SEEN how Gamma is always standing like 'My hips don't lie, my ass is awesome'.). Jounouchi is pretty fame-obsessed in the beginning of the manga, and he is, in all incarnations, kind of a poser. Also he totally acts as lightning rod for Shizuka. :(

Shizuka: ...Sun. An immensely girly sun, but that's okay, I suspect Kyoko is too. Sun types take on damage wittingly for others' sake. In the anime she dives into the sea to save her brother, and I think it counts when she jumps in front of Kaiba and begs for the blimp to land so Bakura can be medically treated. It would be clear to even the recently blind that Kaiba is not a guy you jump in front of without a good chance of getting backhanded.

Kaiba: I. I. I. Do not know. The egotistical snotty bitch part sneers "Cloud, you idiot" but little boy Seto who lives within him is all over the rain qualities. All over. I'm picking rain. In terms of protecting the family, he keeps Mokuba as close as possible except when he's gone WAY OFF the deep end, up to the rather ridiculous point of making the kid Vice President. He's just got strong cloud tendencies.

Mokuba: dude, I dunno. Leaning towards storm because the precocious geniuses in KHR tend to do that, but it's kind of reaching. Then again, with trying to kill Jounouchi and Yuugi like five times in the manga when he was about ten, that's pretty 'raging wind'... Thing is, while he strives to do what he must and comes through in a pinch, he isn't the kind of dependable you need for rain. With him it's less about doing what he should, and more about doing what he wants. Process of elimination says storm!

Bakura: Completely and utterly mist and about this there is no question. He practices misdirection and illusion on himself, even.

I suppose Dark Bakura also works for mist, hmm. He has an ego of note, but he'll willingly take a backseat, sit down and shut up if that helps him reach his goals. Also he is terribly full of horrible lies.

Otogi: mist. This is a kneejerk decision mostly because he knows about magic and that's what mist types do. He does have a whole vengeance feud and cursed clown dad that he's had to keep secret in the manga though, so mist works there. He's actually kind of ... sun in the anime. Crazy.

Odion: sun SOB SOB SUN. Damn right he'll use his own body to prevent harm to the family. Odion ;__;

Marik: he could embody the crazy bitch aspects of sky. I think it says something that in grasping for power he didn't go the Zork route of taking it in himself, but rather got a big gang of lackeys to help out. I have no idea what to think about the evil crazier hairier Marik. He's made of homicidal mania, which makes it a touch difficult to think about him protecting people.

Ishizu: Mist for misdirection and mind games. She could've been rain, and she's a bit direct for mist (e.g. when she spills her family's history in its gory entirety to Yuugi & Co), but she's not remotely direct enough for rain.

Thief King Bakura: sun? Sun. :)!

Kisara: cloud?? But all she wants is for people to love and accept and trust her. She does have a bit of the storm quality of never stopping (walking barefoot across the Sahara has to count for something), but she doesn't rage. There is the dragon to do the raging for her, I guess... But now I like the thought of cloud. She was content to stay with Seto from a distance to protect him for what, three thousand years.

I can't begin to think of the Doom bikers. I'm sorry Raphael and Valon, I love you! (Alister's okay too.)

...but speaking of Harry Potter characters and flames - Snape is rain?? Ever-unchanging, never getting over anything whatsoever at all? I'm not getting into this.

In other news:

aramis_chan, if you're still wondering about the economic crisis, I found a column that explains it so even I understood.

Why select Eoin Colfer to write the next Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book? Although, to be fair, I've only read one of his books, and I'll read a new Hitchhiker's even if they decided to distribute it solely by tattooing it on buyers' foreheads. I've heard Adams had notes for another book anyway, so if there's a guideline it can't end up ... too badly ...?

Keira Knightley's said she probably won't be in the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie sob sob sob. There goes like 2/3 of my reasons to watch it.

i can't shut up!, fan babble, piraaaates, reborn!, yu-gi-oh!

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