(no subject)

Aug 12, 2008 09:33

This isn't actually a break of the semi-hiatus, more like a quick news bulletin.

Went for an interview for a job I'd really like to get but don't think I will! It's still weirdly nice that the interview went well overall, though, because hopefully I can find a similar job elsewhere and pimp myself out better.

A bunch of us went to dinner the other night and the guy second in line to be president was sitting one table over from us. Cape Town is such a village.

*squints* Did Belphegor beat up Dino in the latest novel? Poor show, Bucking Horse. But it's kinda sweet that he still hangs out with Squalo. And that Squalo can obviously not be pried away from the Varia for love or money.

I've realised that in fic I ask for concrit mostly as a way of saying "I won't stop hating this no matter how much I stare at it", or in some cases, "DAMMIT BELPHEGOR STOP BEING SO HARD TO WRITE".

Yami no Yuugi is an Olsen. This is true and is never going to stop hurting.

I like this meme. Name a character (or characters) from one of my fandoms and I'll give you:

(a) three facts about them from my personal canon
(b) a reason he/she sucks
(c) a reason he/she is awesome
(d) five things that never happened to that character and/or
(e) five people that character never fell in love with and why

Edit: o damn audiography has a science theme this week. Every song that doesn't make me go "Gokudera!" makes me go "Spanner/Tsuna!" (The shame.)

that ain't right, reborn!, that's wrong, yu-gi-oh!

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