I get so out of the habit of livejournal. ._. Here's a meme to break the silence, because mindless squeeing is what I'm here for!
Six Pairings I Like:
1. Tsuna/Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
2. Ichigo/Orihime (Bleach)
3. Lan Fan/Ling (Fullmetal Alchemist)
4. Mai/Valon (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
5. Sakuraba/Takami (Eyeshield 21)
6. Riku/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Three Ships I've Abandoned:
7. Xigbar/Demyx (Kingdom Hearts)
8. Tatsuki/Orihime (Bleach)
9. Tsuna/Haru (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Three Ships I've Never Liked:
10. Grimmjow/Ulquiorra (Bleach). I lie. There was a brief moment where I was interested in their interaction, but it was gone by the next few chapters.
11. Sora/Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
12. Squalo/Bel (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Two Ships That Have Piqued My Interest:
13. Roy/Riza (Fullmetal Alchemist)
14. Futa/Yamamoto (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
#1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? [Sora/Riku]
It's not 'so much', really. Rivalry-friendships tend not to hit me the right way for turning into romance, because there's enough tension in staying friends when you're trying to best each other. That was KH 1; KH 2 somehow managed to stay in the friendship zone even though Sora was all WOAH SOB SOB RIKU I LOVE YA DUDE!
#2. Who do you know that ships #13? [Roy/Riza]
Dunno. I'm not really in the FMA fandom since I only occasionally want more than the manga gives me.
#3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? [Lan Fan/Ling]
I would actually be real happy with Ling marrying for power and position etc. as emperor of Xing, and Lan Fan remaining his loyal bodyguard. They'd still love each other romantically even if they can't do anything about it, and it's enough because Lan Fan only needs to protect young master, and Ling will ... maybe occasionally push her up against a wall and spell out his feelings, ahaha um. Mostly he will keep the distance between them because Lan Fan honestly handles the situation better that way.
#4. What is your favourite moment for #1? [Tsuna/Gokudera]
When Gokudera's going "EE! EE! OMG! Lookit my box, I have made it handsome" and Tsuna just. Stares at him. ♥ It's a little moment but it shows that they've progressed to being friends and not just Gokudera breaking out into the hallelujah chorus every time Tsuna appears and Tsuna barely retaining bladder control when he does so.
#5. How long have you been following couple #6? [Kairi/Riku]
I think since the visit to the Peter Pan world. So tender and so weird. Oh Riku, you are a crazy person.
#6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring? [Tatsuki/Orihime]
I think when Orihime said goodbye to Ichigo and not Tatsuki. At the time my ship-metre was perked up by Tatsuki sensing that Orihime was gone, but overall, Orihime's goodbye scene made my love for the girls together fade. I hear in the anime they added a moment where Orihime hesitated on the decision of who to say goodbye to, Ichigo or Tatsuki, and I wish forever that something like that had happened in the manga. :(
#7. Which ship do you prefer--#2 or #4? [Ichigo/Orihime vs Mai/Valon]
Aaaaagh. I think that Mai and Valon win, because I like how they are screwed up and loserish and a mess, and they've had interaction which I can read as containing mutual romantic elements. Orihime and Ichigo are semi-uncertain in how they'd interact as a couple, and although I imagine it to be wonderful and adorable, with Mai/Valon I know what I've got.
#8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. [Grimmjow/Ulquiorra vs Squalo/Bel]
Well, I don't dislike GrimmUlq; it doesn't interest me. With Squalo and Bel, though, it feels like WAY TO PAIR THE BISHIES ON THE TEAM GUYS. ...Wait. That's totally the biggest reason GrimmUlq started up, too. Uh, it still annoys me less, because eventually there was that interesting moment.
#9. What interests you about #14? [Futa/Yamamoto]
I'm ridiculous and willing to pair characters because they both smile all the time.
#10. When did you stop liking #7? [Xigbar/Demyx]
Partly it's because my first flush of love with KH was a while back, but also XigDem has what, three sentences and a scene in the KH 2 novel to put a spin on their interaction. Given that there's little canon fodder, it's sorta slipped my mind, though I still think they could still be fun.
#11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series? [Tsuna/Haru]
Not at all! More like the series killed my interest in the pairing. There was so much other stuff happening that I was distracted from the cuteness of Haru being fugging nuts at Tsuna (and in general, really). If Tsuna and Haru follow the Tsuna and Gokudera route and begin to treat each other more like human beings, I will probably ship them again. Currently it's too much of Haru exuding MAI HUSBANDO and Tsuna going WTF/yeah whatever/'sup good buddy.
#12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? [Sakuraba/Takami]
A mash-up of every cheesy power ballad/love song ever. YOU ARE THE WIND BENEATH MY WINGS ... I BELIEVE I CAN FLY... Oh, this love is stupid and I love it. American football is the bestest matchmaker.
#13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?
Tsuna/Gokudera so muuuuuuuch ♥ My love for the others goes into peaks when I get to their canons but GokuTsuna lives in my brain and spontaneously generates big sparkly hearts.
#14. Which do you dislike the most?
Sora/Riku or Squalo/Bel depending on I don't know, my blood sugar levels from one minute to the next.
#15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?
Tsuna/Gokudera & Lan Fan/Ling - Lan Fan and Gokudera could trade tips on protecting the masters meaning Gokudera becomes a NINJA :D and Ling can make Tsuna pay for the date and incidentally every unpaid meal Ling has ever had, ever. Also eventually they run into the Elrics, and Gokudera and Ed form an alternate-universe-twins team of blowing shit up for great justice.
Ichigo/Orihime & Grimmjow/Ulquiorra - they would stare. And stare. Eventually Orihime's relentless attempts at cheer might move Grimmjow to play along and pretend everything makes sense and Ulquirra and Ichigo would. stare. to eventually come to the uncomfortable realisation that this gives them common ground. Trying to imagine a universe this would work in is a delightful and terrible exercise.
Grimmjow/Ulquiorra & Xigbar/Demyx - for no reason, headcanon: Grimmjow is either the unholy undead Nobaby of Demyx and Saïx, or Saïx's Somebody (however the hell that would work). ANYWAY Nobodies and arrancar could potentially have lots in common and I could see so much casual violence and hilarity come out of this team-up. If by double date you mean colluding for the sake of chaotic violence with a side of plans within plans within eeeeevil plans, ooh baby sign me up.
Ichigo/Orihime & Lan Fan/Ling - okay yeah they'd just fight, forget dating. It'd be swords and fairy-spiritual-magic against ninja (sword) skills and Xingese alchemy, and basically really and truly cool. Sometimes all I want is to kidnap mangaka and make them draw crossovers.
Tsuna/Haru & Ichigo/Orihime - Haru and Orihime can drive each other to greater flights of insanity. Tsuna would alternate between being scared of Ichigo and nearly unphased by the girls being ultra-nuts, while Ichigo would be stuck between thinking Tsuna's SUCH A WUSS and being faintly impressed by how easily he handles the oodles of insanity from the women. Oh man, compared to Ichigo, Tsuna is an expert on women - Ichigo would subtly attempt to get tips from him! Ahahahaha.
#16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if yes. [Ichigo/Orihime]
I wish! That would be adorable.
#17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely? [Mai/Valon]
That's one big no. Well, they had ... promising endings as individuals, but the relationship was a mess. That's what's interesting about it.
#18. What would make you start shipping #14? [Futa/Yamamoto]
I already kinda do, for kicks. To seriously ship them one assumes they'd have to have an actual relationship with interaction longer than a single panel where they sit next to each other, yeah that'd help. (I 'shipped' it before that panel. And then it made me giggle internally to see it.)
#19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer--#2 or #6? [Ichigo/Orihime vs Riku/Kairi]
Orihime/Ichigo. KH canon heavily implies the crushes of Sora<-->Kairi, and somehow it'd be weird to not have that even though I don't really care much about that ship.
#20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? [Grimmjow/Ulquiorra]
Well given that brief moment of interest, they'd get more backstory. There's not enough interaction for me to dislike the dynamic. I think fandom has mostly gone on to mess about with GrimmIchi and UlquiHime, so it can't annoy me from that angle either.
...And then I wondered if I could do it for just Reborn!, because that's how I roll. Turns out I can!
Six Pairings I Like:
1. Gokudera/Yamamoto
2. Kusakabe/Hibari
3. Ryohei/Hibari
4. Kyoko/Tsuna
5. Tsuna/Lancia
6. Tsuna/Gokudera
Three Ships I've Abandoned:
7. Lal Mirch/Colonnello
8. Hibari/Dino
9. Dino/Tsuna
Three Ships I've Never Liked:
10. Lissuria/Ryohei
11. Mukuro/Chikusa
12. Mukuro/Ken
Two Ships That Have Piqued My Interest:
13. Lal Mirch/Tsuna
14. Dino/Squalo
#1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? [Mukuro/Chikusa]
It seems so wrong to have Mukuro make a significant change to his relationship with one of his male followers and not the other (so yes, same reason for disliking MukuKen). Sexual relations doesn't strike me as one of the ways in which he'd use them. ...Huh. A threesome would actually be more plausible to me than a coupling off, in this situation.
#2. Who do you know that ships #13? [Lal Mirch/Tsuna]
Me, and I saw one other person on DeviantArt HOORAY. Both of us admit that it makes vanishingly small amounts of sense. And there's that one Japanese fanartist who draws crazy stuff like Colonello/Tsuna/Lal.
#3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? [Ryohei/Hibari]
IT HAPPENED IN CHAPTER 171. ALMOST EXACTLY AS I WANTED IT, EXCEPT BETTER. Before that chapter I liked the idea of their interaction but couldn't ship them romantically (unless they also hooked up with Lal Mirch and Colonello, beat the hell out of everyone everywhere all the time until they happened to split the planet in half, and went home to have bed-breaking sex while watching Die Hard 1-4). Now I can!
#4. What is your favourite moment for #1? [Gokudera/Yamamoto]
Bottom right corner because I can't figure out what the hell Yamamoto thinks he's doing but the act of trying fills me with deep and abiding joy. "We'll play charades! GUESS WHAT I AM. A little teapot short and stout!" "You make me feel my brain cells dying." Or maybe "Hey, is this pose heterosexual in the slightest?" "Obviously not! Che, if you can't tell when you're being gay, you're not cut out for the mafia." Perhaps a good old-fashioned "Hello, sailor!" countered with "Bet you have herpes." They're getting along. In the preceding moments they've showed how well they can work together and there it even looks like they can manage to be friends though they are both bloody stupid. Also it was in that scene where Yamamoto hears Gokudera's family is screwy, does not react in the slightest, but takes it seriously because
in chapter 162 it seems it has bothered him all the while. He wants his buddy to be happy and is aware that in a lot of ways he's not oh Yamamoto ;__;
#5. How long have you been following couple #6? [Tsuna/Gokudera]
My interest was perked by chapter four, but I think the moment of truth came with the chapter where Yamamoto joined the family and in the beginning Gokudera was all "THAT DUMB JOCK IS TOUCHING MY TENTH sob" and I was laughing and shipping and laughing ever so hard.
#6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring? [Hibari/Dino]
Hibari began to have fun with so many other characters that I got over his relationship with Dino. Besides which, I feel a little guilty about the siren in my head that wails "PEDO-PEDO-PEDO" whenever Dino appears, so now I find it kinda hard to ship him. The pedo.
#7. Which ship do you prefer--#2 or #4? [Kusakabe/Hibari vs. Kyoko/Tsuna]
Tsuna/Kyoko wins. Kusakabe/Hibari is super, but Kyoko/Tsuna strikes me as having potential, and I like the way the relationship is developing (including the way it seems to be becoming steadily more platonic. This is hilarious. Tsuna, you loser, you're going to end up her gay BFF!).
#8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. [Lissuria/Ryohei vs Mukuro/Ken]
The necrophilia creeps me out a touch too much.
#9. What interests you about #14? [Dino/Squalo]
They might have been something like friends back at school and why oh why would someone inflict Squalo on himself? Dude's crazy. So I'm interested in the oddity of that relationship, and in how Squalo would react to the older, capable version of Dino who is coolly holding guns to his head after saving his life. Basically: it's a mess, yay!
#10. When did you stop liking #7? [Lal Mirch/Colonnello]
The flashbacks during the chapters where Lal Mirch fights Ginger Bread. While those flashbacks were so adorable that, in fact, my heart exploded, the dynamic between Lal and Colonnello was also disappointing. It was so typically Tsundere Loev You Sekritly. I'm hoping for more flashbacks or hints of interaction between them, so that hopefully their relationship can take on more interesting aspects. I want to ship this pairing - it's right there, it's pretty, it's got Lal, it's epic and tragic - but it's boring!
#11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series? [Dino/Tsuna]
I only shipped it for the lulz. Dino is still fun as a big brother figure who enjoys being kind of a dick to his little bro.
#12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? [Tsuna/Lancia]
None. But since it contains Lancia, it'd be horrific tragic emo thrash metal or like, something set to a polka. Reborn characters have a tendency towards surprising musical tastes. ...I would laugh so hard if Lancia ever got a character song (unlikely though that is) and it was a samba. It would be so sad AND FUNNY.
#13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?
Hee. See the above meme.
#14. Which do you dislike the most?
Mukuro/Chikusa & Mukuro/Ken, actually. Necrophilia is gross, but those pairings irk me.
#15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?
Nah, all of them get together, along with with most of the rest of the cast. Orgypile! (Reborn tops. And Bianchi. And Futa.)
#16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if yes. [Kusakabe/Hibari]
I would pay good money for that.
#17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely? [Kyoko/Tsuna]
They might be together TYL, what with "Tsu-kun", but who knows - and given the situation, it's not a happy time at all. It's hard to say if this entire bloody manga will have a happy ending, because on one hand it's so shounen, and on the other hand, Amano has already gone from happy light-hearted fluff to mostly misery. You might have rocks falling and everyone dying at the end. The ending I'd prefer is bittersweet - Tsuna would be all "I'm going to Italy and will never see you again, have a good life!! And I love you, just so's you know", and with Kyoko going, "Tsu-kun, I feel the sa-" but oh no, Tsuna is already on the plane.
#18. What would make you start shipping #14? [Dino/Squalo]
If they pop up TYL together, wearing only matching wedding rings ... though I'll settle for engagement rings.
Well it would make me ship it.
#19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer--#2 or #6? [Kusakabe/Hibari vs. Tsuna/Gokudera]
Heck, both duos are going to be together forever anyway. But. Kusakabe/Hibari wins, because what I want most from Gokudera is that he becomes remotely sane and that can happen platonically, and I would LOVE for Hibari to discover a sex drive. The pain! The awkwardness! The hilarity!
#20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? [Lissuria/Ryohei]
It's not like Ryohei would get nailed anyway, he'd fight Lissuria 'til neither of them were in a shape to do much. It takes care of itself.