Fic: KHR, Giotto/G/Tsuna

Oct 02, 2016 22:38

Title: Never Want Once
Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Ship: Tsuna/Giotto/G
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Notes: the first part of a story because it's getting late and I want to stick to the 31_days deadline. Future updates will be in this post.

Prompts: - 31-days, 2 October 2016 - All Soul's Day.
- Kink meme: (5YL) Tsuna/Giotto/G: Attention (singling someone out; treating someone specially in front of others; making a point of showing respect to or interest in someone who doesn't usually receive it; observing, studying, or analysing someone to understand them)

Something slow and hot and gentle, please, with a Tsuna that is highly flustered but not too wibbly and weak.

In the back of Tsuna's mind, the realisation arose over the course of his meeting that he really had grown up. The evidence: Instead of mocking or dismissing him, people now displayed incredible patience when explaining to him that he was being dumb. He did actual business, in expensive private rooms, and got offered drinks and finger foods. In addition, when he was being offered fancy wines and when he was being called dumb, he didn't feel he had to accept what he was being told.

I really don't, he affirmed to himself, the realisation now solidified, and was a little exhilarated.

Opposite him sat the Vongola Ninth Generation's sun guardian, Nie Brow, reminding him with as much tact as possible what had happened in the other timeline where Tsuna had tampered with the Vongola rings, and thus why the Ninth Gen had been deeply unsettled to hear of his new plans, even if he wasn't going to destroy the rings - now Vongola Gear - this time.

"Don't worry," Tsuna said. "It's completely physically possible for the spirits of the first generation to be extracted from the VG without damaging it. Gokudera and his team did incredible work!"

"Sawada. That's not what I'm getting at," Nie Brow said with all the clarity he could muster, like he was starting to think his Japanese was rustier than he'd assumed. " What I am saying is, you should not remove the souls inside those rings at all!"

Fine. Fine. Tsuna took a deep breath. If he was feeling so grown up, he could spit it out like an adult. "They should get to do what they want," he said, and felt like he was using the kind of wording that five-year-old Lambo's might. Damn it. But it was true! "It's not fair if they're stuck all the time. And since we have the example of the Mist VG, which worked for all that time without Daemon Spade's input, we know they're powerful without any spirits."

"Kid, just because that philosophy of doing what you want works for you doesn't mean everyone else should subscribe to it. In fact, it would be easier for you to get your way if you kept it at a minimum for everyone else! And if you maintained your power base at as even a keel as possible, and didn't mess with your best weapons and upset it purely because you feel like it!"

"So the Vongola should engage in - something that's like keeping prisoners? Because that's what it feels like to have these spirits trapped! We're not even sure if they knew what they were doing back when they were alive and attached themselves to the rings like that!"

Nie Brow gave a toss of his head that unsettled the tidy fall of hair over his face and kind of made him look like a horse getting antsy, but also kind of made Tsuna feel like he needed to work fast to avoid getting at least a little bit kicked around. "Why do you think you can pull a card like the sullying of the Vongola name, kid? We hear more about you than others do, you know. I've learned about some of your opinions."

"These spirits are as much people as Daemon Spade was, and I mean, he wasn't all there anymore, but there was still a lot of him left, his personality, his thoughts. He was a ghost but he was still so human, and … they shouldn't be trapped, and called on when it's convenient. That's all."

He only realised that he'd kept up eye contact all throughout that when Nie Brow's gaze shifted thoughtfully to the ceiling.

"I never heard a word out of those rings. Maybe the Ninth spoke to his, though, and I guess I have suspicions about Croquant..." Nie Brow sat back elegantly in his chair. "All right. Try your stories out and see. I'll take the punches from everyone back home."

"Tonight. When the moon's up. Um, Gokudera promised there would be no blood sacrifice necessary."

From the look on Nie Brow's face, it was exactly as bad a joke as Tsuna had thought it was when he'd been on the receiving end. He wiped the tentative smile off his face and poured drinks to make up for it, wine for Nie Brow and beer for himself.

Nie Brow waved the glass away and pointed at the bottle instead.


Gokudera, Shoichi, Mammon, and the rest had made preparations for what might happen if the process hadn't worked. Mukuro had probably been serious when he said that he was prepared for hell on earth. Nie Brow had carried the wine bottle he'd emptied with him and twirled it in an alarmingly expert way, and Tsuna stood with his mittened hands in the pockets of his hoodie, ready to enter the dying will state.

They simply got six ghosts, now solid, standing in front of them.

"As I suspected!" Haru said with quiet pride and while blushing furiously - but was in every other way professional as she swiftly went to hand the Vongola First Generation (minus Mist, and Elena) some clothes.

fic, reborn!

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