Just noting the different S2 style sheets available for customization.
3 Column
* A Novel Conundrum (No sidebar)
A Sturdy Gesture (No userpic on entries, no top bar)
Bloggish == Style Contest (No top bar)
Classic (Do-able, but ugly)
Clean And Simple (No top bar links)
Component (Advertisement breaks layout, no userpic on entries)
Cuteness Attack (No userpic on entries, no top bar links)
Dear Diary (No userpic on entries, no top bar links, advertisement breaks layout)
Digital Multiplex (No topbar links)
Disjointed (No top bar)
* Expressive == * Mixit
* Flexible Squares
Generator (S1 styles)
Gradient Strip (Stupid top bar links, no sidebar, advertisement breaks layout)
Haven (Bitch to customize, advertisement breaks layout)
Magazine (No sidebar, no userpic on entries)
Minimalism (Weird advertisement placement, no userpic on entries)
Nebula (Calendar acts as top bar)
Notepad (No sidebar, no userpic on entries)
Opal (No userpic on entries)
Punquin Elegant (No top bar, hard to style)
Quite Lickable (No top bar, no userpic on entries, advertisement breaks layout)
Refried Paper (No top bar, advertisement breaks layout)
Smooth Sailing (Advertisement breaks layout)
Tabular Indent (Advertisement breaks layout, no sidebar, weird top bar)
The Boxer (Paid+ accounts only)
Tranquility II (No userpic on entries, no top bar links)
Unearthed (Advertisement breaks layout, just...ugly)
Variable Flow (No sidebar, no userpic on entries)
When there's two equal sign means that both styles are the same as listed
Advertisement breaks layout means that the advertisement placement is not right at the top or bottom of the layout. Most of the time it's incorporated just after the header links/titles. Except for the Minimalism theme where the advertisement for the header is actually at the sidebar and one at the bottom as well.
Component and Expressive(including Mixit) are available only to Plus and above accounts, including Early Adopter. The Boxer is available to only Early Adopter, Paid and Permanent accounts. (Can't even preview Boxer themes...idiots...how to entice me to pay for an account? >_>)
No top bar links means that there is no Recent/Archive/Friends/Profile links at the top. Just at the sidebar, I think.
No userpic on entries means that no userpic is shown for each entry. And I don't think there's an option for it either.