This is more than likely going to be my neighbor's house (to the left) and mine (to the right) this year. Why waste all that time putting up all those lights when you can just let your neighbor do that and then ditto their house?
On another note, I never ever want to go to prison. But if I ever do, I hope it happens to be in the Philippines and that they send me to this specific prison. FF to like 0:50. They do regular dance routines and performances. How awesome is that?
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He broke up with me. I know it's my fault, but how could he do this to me? He promised me we would be together forever and that we would get married and have kids and open up our zoo and own our big house. We had so many plans for our future. And now they're all torn to pieces. It's different this time. Last time he broke up with me he was drunk and didn't mean it. You can tell this time he meant it. Some of the words he told me... they were bad. I have a feeling he's going to start dating Whoriah, if he isn't already. In the meantime, I've done nothing but lay down in bed and cry. One entire week of doing that. I don't know what to do with myself.
I'm not okay.