Dec 14, 2006 10:19
I'm getting a new office! Woohoo! I'm so ridiculously excited about something that is so practical and work-y, but right now Cynthia and I share a relatively small office upstairs, and I have a tiny little crappy desk that I hate. We've been talking about getting me a new dest, but instead my whole department is switching spaces with finance downstairs. This means I get a big, lovely L-shaped desk with lots of work space, plus an office about 4 times the size of the one I'm in now (still for Cynthia and I both, but I like sharing with her, we laugh a lot).
Plus, I currently walk past my boss's office on the way to mine, and now she'll be down the hall, so there won't be so much of a "walk of shame" feeling when I'm a few (or 30) minutes late. She doesn't really care if I'm late, provided I then take a shorter lunch or stay late to make up the difference (fair enough, I'm salary, not fair if I don't actually work my hours), but it's still not fun walking past her office in the morning.
Plus, today is the office Christmas lunch thingy, so we're closing up for the day at 12:30 :-)