Copypasta results from Facebook. Will bold and strikeout things accordlingly if I think the results fit or not.
Openness (81%): This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer novelty versus convention. Approximately 73% of respondents have a lower openness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is intellectually curious and appreciative of what you consider beautiful, no matter what others think. You might say that your imagination is vivid and makes you more creative than many others. Imagination (69%): This facet includes your imagination and fantasy life. Your mind wanders more than most and you can get lost in your thoughts about what you'd like your life to be.
Artistic Interests (92%): This facet includes your interest in art, music and nature. Beauty and the arts are much more important for you than they are for others. Poetry, music, and original art all move you deeply. Being away from nature and beauty can make you feel trapped or uneasy.
Emotionality (38%): This facet includes your experience of emotion and feelings. You feel and can identify your emotions, but they do not dictate your actions. You may not feel as many emotional highs and lows as others seem to.
Adventurousness (73%): This facet includes your openness to new experiences. You prefer doing novel activities more than many people. This may mean that you keep up varied hobbies and interests, or that you're generally just someone who is not afraid to say 'yes' to a new suggested activity.
Intellect (56%): This facet includes your openness to new ideas. You have a typical interest in new versus conventional ideas. Sometimes you enjoy a philosophical debate or brainteaser that requires handling a lot of information, but not consistently.
Liberalism (52%): This facet includes your openness to values. Your values are quite centrist. You may have some views which society would describe as conservative and others that it would describe as liberal. You are willing to re-examine social values where appropriate.
Conscientiousness (48%): This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer an organised, or a flexible, approach in life. Approximately 21% of respondents have a lower conscientiousness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is spontaneous and fun, and that you like to do unexpected things that make life that bit more interesting. You might say that you aren't completely unreliable, but you've been known to slip up on occasion. Self-Efficacy (92%): This facet refers to your ability to 'get things done'. You consider yourself both effective and successful in almost all that you attempt, both in tasks that you are familiar with and new ones also. (What...)
Orderliness (54%): This facet includes how far you prefer order over flexibility. You appreciate organisation in your environment and schedule when it helps you to carry on your life, but you do not feel compelled to order things just for the sake of it.
Dutifulness (92%): This facet includes your reliability. You place a very high value on fulfilling your promises (I hate making promises) and telling the truth. You always do what you say, and are both dependable and reliable. You are likely to follow even rules that you disagree with.
Achievement-Striving (34%): This facet includes your will to go beyond what is sufficient. You are less ambitious than other people, but still work hard at what you do and expect others to do so also. Your life may currently lack a strong sense of purpose and direction.
Self-Discipline (11% HAHAHA): This facet includes your motivation to start and complete tasks. Importantly it is distinct from impulsiveness, which measures the impulse to do things that you do not want to do, whereas this facet measures your tendency to not do things that you do want to do. You are less motivated than others and this can sometimes lead to procrastination. You may not finish tasks because you get distracted by new ones. You may say that you have a low boredom threshold.
Cautiousness (88%): This facet includes the extent to which you think before acting. You spend more time than most thinking through your actions and their possible consequences before you say or do anything. This means that you rarely find that something you have had time to deliberate on goes wrong, but it can make it difficult to act quickly when it is necessary.
Extraversion (38%): This trait refers to the extent to which you enjoy company, and seek excitement and stimulation. Approximately 11% of respondents have a lower extraversion raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is quiet and somewhat withdrawn. Your answers describe you as someone who doesn't need lots of other people around to have fun, and can sometimes find that people are tiring. Friendliness (42%): This facet refers to how you get on with others. You are generally comfortable around other people. You may act formally when meeting new people, but this will soon thaw to a warm friendship.
Gregariousness (16%): This facet refers to how much you seek out social situations. You seek quiet and may avoid crowded events, which can tire you out or leave you feeling stressed. You would rather spend time with a few close friends rather than a large gathering.
Assertiveness (5% o.o): This facet details your propensity to take charge. You are someone who keeps in the background more than most. You prefer to let others take charge and do the talking. You probably feel uncomfortable in a group when you speak up and everyone looks at you. (Ehh, depends on the situation.)
Activity Level (11%): This facet describes your life's tempo. You let life evolve at its own leisurely pace. You do not like to rush things or be too busy. This does not mean that you are necessarily lazy, but rather that you take one step at a time.
Excitement-Seeking (8%): This facet includes how much excitement you enjoy in your life. You do not enjoy lots of thrills and mindless recklessness. You may find high-excitement situations either too much, in which case you will avoid them, or simply not that exciting, in which case they do not matter to you.
Cheerfulness (16%): This facet includes how often you feel positive emotions. You laugh less easily than others do. This does not necessarily mean that you feel unhappy, but just that you do not feel cheerful or joyful as often as others do. You may be rather pessimistic.
Agreeableness (81%): This trait refers to the way you express your opinions and manage relationships. Approximately 88% of respondents have a lower agreeableness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is extremely easy to get along with. Your responses suggest that you would say you are considerate, friendly, generous and helpful and you consider most other people to be thoroughly decent and trustworthy. Trust (34%): This facet refers to your view of others' motives. You are more cynical than average of others. You tend to assume that others are more likely to be selfish until you have good reason to think they will act otherwise.
Morality (99.7% oAo): This facet concerns your views on the treatment of others. you consider morality to be extremely important and you act that way in your own life. You would not do selfish things at the expense of others even if the advantage for you would far outweigh the disadvantage to another.
Altruism (73%): This facet includes your concern for the positive wellbeing of others. You are more likely than most to help others in need, and are genuinely concerned about their welfare. You do not expect anything in return from them.
Co-operation (98%): This facet describes how you work with others. You are far more likely to avoid a confrontation rather than speaking up for your views. You prefer to co-operate with others in a team rather than compete against one another.
Modesty (95%): This facet describes how you project your achievements to others. You may actively avoid talking about your achievements as being the centre of attention makes you feel embarrassed. You are very modest and self-effacing.
Sympathy (62%): This facet measures how others' needs affect you. You are more moved than most by others' appeals for help. You may be swayed by emotional pleas as you sympathise easily with others.
Neuroticism (45%): This trait refers to the way you cope with, and respond to, life's demands. Approximately 54% of respondents have a lower neuroticism raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is generally calm. Based on your responses, you come across as someone who can feel emotional or stressed out by some experiences, however your feelings tend to be warranted by the situation. Anxiety (52%): This facet measures how prone to worrying you are. You are usually relaxed, but can sometimes become nervous about things that you find difficult, or anxious about things that happened in the past. You do not have any more fears than most people have though.
Anger (8%): This facet describes how intensely you get angry or frustrated. You keep your cool and rarely get irritated or angry even in extreme situations. Your temper is under your control. You may avoid complaining about situations that really bother you.
Depression (85% shit what): This facet represents normal differences in the propensity to feeling negative. You are more likely than most to feel dejected. This happens when the situation warrants it and may also for no discernible reason. This is not necessarily a clinically relevant level, but it may lead to a general feeling that your life has less value than you would like it to have. However, you are in touch with your feelings.
Self-Consciousness (76%): This facet measures negative feelings caused by being around others. You feel less confident than most in social situations. Generally this is not likely to intimidate you, but you may avoid saying or doing certain things for fear of drawing embarrassing attention on yourself.
Immoderation (52%): This facet includes your propensity to over-indulge. You are as much in control of your urges as other people are. You probably have a weakness that you sometimes succumb to, but this is typical of most people and not likely to be a problem in your life.
Vulnerability (21%): This facet details how you deal with setbacks. You are better than most at overcoming setbacks. You remain calm under pressure and do not get overwhelmed by you emotions. Only the direst situation would lead to you losing control.
Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving
INFPs focus much of their energy on an inner world dominated by intense feeling and deeply held ethics. They seek an external life that is in keeping with these values. Loyal to the people and causes important to them, INFPs can quickly spot opportunities to implement their ideals. They are curious to understand those around them, and so are accepting and flexible except when their values are threatened. They have the ability to see good in almost anyone or anything.