Proper (aka long) update time, GO!

Aug 26, 2009 21:03

First of all, everyone listen to this song and then try to tell me it doesn't make you feel happy about life, even just a little bit. Go on; I'll wait.

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Fun fact: I can't sing along with this song without pumping my fist in the air during the "kamehameha" part. I just can't. I'd be a total nerd and do the actual pose for it but it goes by too fast. ;P

I would like the original Japanese DBZ so much more if this singer was Goku's seiyuu, not gonna lie. I never was able to get past him being voiced by a super girly-sounding girl. God bless the Funimation dub (which I've been rewatching lately).

In other music news, Imogen Heap's new album, "Ellipse" dropped yesterday and I freaking love it. So far, "2-1" is my favorite track. The woman has a brilliant way with words. The first verse (by ear, so I'm not 100% sure on the second to last line):
First the Earth was flat
But it fattened up when we didn't fall off
Now we spin laps 'round the sun
All the gods lost 2-1
The host of Heaven pointed out to us from light years away
We're surrounded by a billion galaxies

Last week, I got m.o.v.e's cover album "anim.o.v.e 01" which I also love, but for entirely different reasons from why I love Imogen Heap. XD; *bias*bias*bias*

I recently finished watching an anime called Michiko to Hatchin...
I really love the ending. Even though it didn't really explain a lot of things (like who fathered Hana's baby), I thought the last scenes were just beautiful. And I applaud the creator for making me actually feel bad when Satoshi got shot to death in an alley after I spent the latter half of the series wanting to smack him. Also - holy SHIT at Shinsuke's end. I never liked the guy, but his death was so fitting that it gave me chills. As for Hiroshi... bastard. Michiko and Hana are better off without him.

I'm 99% convinced Michiko is Hana's biological mother. I'd have to recheck the timeline for it, but between the tattoo and the fact that it wouldn't really make sense to even tell her about Hana's location and everything if she wasn't related to her... Yeah. I'd consult fandom but THERE IS NONE! Ugh. A measly one fic on under "misc. anime" and a couple of icon communities. Sadface.

I beat the main storyline on The World Ends With You just after ConnectiCon and am almost done with the "Another Day" sidequests. Once I'm finally done with that, I can get into the fandom; I'm still too unclear on a couple of characters' backgrounds to chance reading fic about them yet (don't want to confuse fanon with canon). Even though I really want to. I love Neku, Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme. And Mr. Hanekoma. And some of the Reapers. I cannot, however, for the life of me, figure out whether I like Joshua or not. He acts like a complete douche. Then after a while I kind of liked him. Then I thought he was a douche again. Etc. So I can't really figure him out.

Verdict: I'll probably never write about him. Take THAT.

I would love it if Square would do more games like this, though, with a very real-world setting but with a twist of some kind. The whole game just made me want to kick myself for not visiting Shibuya during the brief time I spent in Tokyo.

Now I'm back to playing Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories because I never did get around to beating the PS2 version. My bad. I just really hate the card-based fighting. I never got the hang of using sleights, so I don't even bother. I just mash X like I do in the regular KH games and then sleight with the Friend cards so I don't lose any of the stuff in my deck mid-battle. XD; So far of the new voices I've heard Larxene, Vexen, and Marluxia. Love all three; think they're dead on. Fuck yeah, America! You got them right; I'm so proud! It's always such a crapshoot with these things. I'm dreading what Zidane's English voice is going to sound like on Dissidia. I'm almost afraid...

I haven't gotten any freaking writing at all done this summer, which is just pathetic. I don't want to talk about it. Same on the reading front. I'm ashamed of myself, really.

And it might, unfortunately, stay that way, because I applied for a job today that I have a sinking feeling I'm going to be called in for, like, right away. It's at the place I used to work as an intern the last four summers, and it's in the department I interned in. I've never heard of anyone staying at it for longer than 2 years - there were 4 people in that position in the 4 years I was there. No lie.

On the one hand - fuck yeah! Potential employment! Money! Stability in my life again!

On the other hand - fucking A, my summer vacation's abruptly over, I have no free time again, and I have to make a half hour commute every day at 6 in the morning to a really REALLY boring job that nobody in their right mind would want to do (as the 4 previous holders of said job told me regularly).

Funnily enough, I, who am normally all like, "This will never pan out," am instead feeling pretty sure I'll get offered at least an interview. My PARENTS, who are always on me about how my crappy attitude is dooming me via karma or something and telling me everything will work out are like, "Quit getting ahead of yourself; you're not guaranteed the job."

We shall see.

Let's see... other things I did recently... passed my CLEP test... joined cf_hardcore (very cool place)... joined capslock_jak (hilarious AND informative!)... finished physical therapy for my back and bought a foam roller to use at home...

That's all I can think of at the moment as far as recent activity goes. Guess it's back to KH Re:CoM for me, then!

michiko to hatchin, fandom, music, a winner is me, move owns my soul, twewy, life, video games, dbz

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