Car shopping update post will be coming up in a while. In the meantime, two memes, both swiped from
#1: Reply to this post with the name of your favourite fic written by me and a sentence saying why it's your favourite. Then repost this in your own journal and I'll do the same for you. Everybody needs love sometimes, right?
(Links, since if you're anything like me, you don't always remember titles so much as plots:
Amarant fics,
Everything else.)
#2: 1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions.
3. You post the answers & questions on your journal.
4. You include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else.
5. Add meme perpetuation line, etc.
1. Favourite comic/manga?
My fave manga is still Yu-Gi-Oh! after all these years. I've got my fingers crossed that they've got the reprints I'm missing at ConnectiCon this year...
2. Yaoi, yuri, het or other?
Other: all of the above. :)
3. What has really moved you recently?
I'm such a sap; I watched the pilot episode of "glee" yesterday on and got all choked up watching and listening to the final song they performed. If we're talking something that's moved me PERSONALLY... recently, I've been pretty moved by my parents and their support over the fact that I didn't pick the most conducive-to-getting-a-job-in-this-economy major in school. I've always been afraid of disappointing them, and they keep going on about how proud they are of me that I graduated college at all, so it's a really nice feeling.
4. Have you got a song stuck in your head right now? If so, what is it? If not, what was the last one that got lodged there?
I HAD the cover of "Don't Stop Believing" from the aforementioned episode of "glee" stuck in my head most of the day, but it just got kicked out by that friggin' "Somebody's Watching Me" song from the GEICO adverts. @___@
5. The Cult of Celebrity: vastly entertaining or overrated indulgent claptrap?
I had to Google what that meant, admittedly. Now that I know what the cult of celebrity is, I vote "overrated indulgent claptrap." I've never had any interest in celebrity gossip. Interviews about their upcoming projects and whatnot, okay. But I don't need to know all about their marital problems or their trips to the hospital or what underwear they have on or whatever. I tend to feel bad for them that they have no privacy whatsoever.