A Dragon's Heart: Book One [1]

Aug 12, 2012 15:35

Title: A Dragon’s Heart

Author: Demira_Watson

Beta: Casness

Fandom: Supernatural

Pairing/s: Pre-Slash Adam/Michael and Sam/Gabriel. Established Dean/Castiel + Others

Chapter Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Language

Disclaimer: The characters in this fanfiction belong to Eric Kripke and the Supernatural team. Unrecognizable characters belong to me and cannot be used without permission.

Summary: When Adam Winchester, new recruit, first met Michael Novak, first runner and teacher, he thought he was a jack-ass…a self-righteous, arrogant, highly attractive and completely straight jack-ass. And Adam wanted to crawl all over him.

A Dragon’s Heart

Book One - Journey’s Start

Chapter One

“Silence!” A booming throaty voice bellowed through the cave. Every new recruit halted in their gossiping, prank pulling and general chatter. Adam’s eyes narrowed. It was never a good sign when their teacher could halt the usual pleasantries with a single word. Andy fidgeted beside him with his normal nervous energy. His fellow recruit from The House of Water almost vibrated with his constant flow of anxiety and provided a never ending stream of background babble about anything and everything.

It was unnerving that even Andy had shut-up. Adam levered himself up to peek over the heads of the taller students to try and glimpse their instructor. His sharp blue eyes strained as he watched a lone figure emerge from the shadows across the cave. Andy was tugging wildly at his uniform blue jacket.

“I am First Runner Professor Michael Novak. Your teacher for Dragon War this year and for the next four that follow. You will show me respect or I will have you thrown out of the academy so fast even your hatchling will suffer whiplash. Understood?” The deep voice commanded. Adam shuffled as he tried to adjust his view.

A chorus of ‘Yes Sir!’ rang through the cave and Adam sighed unhappily as he failed to catch a glimpse of their new puppet master. Andy’s grip had tightened on his jacket so much that his knuckles had turned white and faint wrinkles had begun to form around his fingers. Wonderful, Adam thought sighing out loud, Singer will give me grief over ‘inappropriate attire’ again.

“Form a single line!” New Recruits tumbled over each other in a rush to fulfil the order. Adam slumped as he waited for the hysteria to pass before adding himself to line next to Andy, a bored expression across his face. At least from his new vantage point he could admire their instructor better.

Adam guessed he was at least twenty-five, maybe slightly older, judging from the tight wrinkles around his eyes and the rigid control over his posture. There was no mistaking that their teacher had military training and the confidence of a First Runner practically pulsed from his tight tall frame. Novak’s hair was a dark rich brown and rather short but still stray strands tickled his tanned forehead. His stern stormy blue eyes raked over every nervous recruit like a predator waiting for a stray to wander from the pack. Adam watched as a muscle twitched in Novak’s strong jaw as his hunting gaze fell on him. The youngest Winchester child knew he practically oozed the ‘I don’t give a fuck’ vibe, which set him apart from the frightened New Recruits and made him a target for any instructor looking to make an example.

Adam winked playfully and shivered as he heard their teacher growl deeply. Andy gulped nervously beside him.

“What’s your name, Recruit?” Novak demanded tightly. Adam admired the muscled physic that twisted under the black sleeveless vest and tight black khaki’s Novak wore. He found he could get used to Dragon War if he got to watch Novak every day. Adam smirked as he replied.

“Milligan-Winchester, Adam.” Most of the recruits squeaked as Novak’s eyes grew colder and the temperature in the room dropped several degrees.

“Detention, Recruit Winchester! After classes,” Novak yelled and Adam spluttered at the sudden punishment.

“Why?!” the teenager yelled angrily.

“I will not tolerate attitude in my class, Winchester,” Novak responded and Adam opened his mouth ready to show him attitude when Andy latched onto his hip with a grip that clearly said ‘Shut-up!’. Adam looked down at his shorter unruly friend and the scruffy dark haired boy pleaded with his eyes to listen. The blonde bed-haired teenager could never deny Andy anything when he turned on the puppy-dog eyes and so he pulled his temper back and settled for a dark glare pointed at Novak.

Novak just glared right back and then turned his attention to the rest of the class, who straightened under their teacher’s cold scrutinizing gaze.

“Most of you will fail Dragon War. It is not a subject for the faint of heart or the jokers. But I will demand that you work hard and push yourselves to achieve a respectable grade.” Novak’s narrowed eyes zeroed in on Adam as he said ‘jokers’. So the attractive teacher had him labelled all ready. Adam snorted and the other recruits held their breath as Novak pulled himself tighter. He gave off the appearance of a dark mysterious creature ready to pounce and Adam found that slightly thrilling. Especially when Novak turned his dark icy eyes to Adam.

The defiant teenager tried to relay all the scandalous things he’d let Novak do to him through his wide blue eyes. To his shock, Novak simple huffed and ignored him. Adam swore mentally as he realised his strict, self-important and highly attractive teacher was completely and utterly straight.

Fuck my life, Adam thought irritated at the cosmos.

Five weeks ago…

The Academy was a prestigious remote island dedicated to the education and instruction of Dragon Riders. You got on the waiting list generally around the time your parents decided to move in with each other. Only a very special reason, like being the illegitimate son of the greatest Dragon Rider in history, got you bumped up the list.  If it wasn’t for the amazing Medical career opportunities provided by the Academy, Adam wouldn’t have stepped foot on the island.

He resented the hell out of the fact that because John Winchester, hero of the Battle of the Valley, happened to cheat on his wife with Adam’s mother, because of that Adam received special treatment…usually with a hint of disgust thrown over it.

The only good thing about being a Winchester in Adam’s eyes was the two other children John had spawned with his wife. Samuel and Dean were life boats in a rapid and constantly changing tide of loathing and hero worship at the man who donated his sperm.

Dean was in his final year at the academy. Head of The House of Fire and filled with adolescent bravery and optimism, Dean was the golden boy. The carbon copy of their father…at least on the outside. Behind closed doors and away from the adoring public, Dean was a joker and big brother. He smothered Sam and Adam with love and support that John never gave. Dean was also newly bonded with the head of The House of Water, Castiel Novak. A man Adam had only read about in the Dean’s chicken scratch letters.

Samuel was Adam’s age. Older by a few months and clutching Adam’s hand like a worried parent as they departed the harbour and followed the droves of New Recruits, led by the heads of each house, up to the Dragon Temple.

Adam marvelled at the medieval styled modest brick houses and shops that made up the small village hugging the shoreline. The rustic stones and slopping stick roofs made him feel like he was walking through history. Adam glanced at his older brother’s face and was pleased to note the awe was shared.

The island itself was aesthetically pleasing. A large mountain range, home to The House of Air, took up the north-west quarter of the island. Magnificent blue rocky peaks tipped with ivory snow dominated the skyline as the hid behind moving cotton clouds. Adam could make out the dark moving shadows of Dragons dipping between the highlands and swooping across the sky.

On the north-east quarter lay The House of Fire. Where The House of Air was said to be woven into the very mountain side, Dean had sent pictures of his house and Adam had marvelled at the colossal stone castle that was nestled into the base of a dormant volcano. The ground was still unsteady frozen lava flows with no vegetation in sight. An unusual feat for such fertile ground and something many had speculated on for centuries.

The harbour surrounding the large inlet of ocean water on the south-west quarter of the island was home to The House of Water and the Waiting Dorms. The crisp ocean air and shimmering crystal blue water clamed Adam’s nerves as he took a deep cleansing breath. After the introduction at the Dragon Temple the New Recruits would live at the Waiting Dorms until their dragon eggs had hatched. The bright colour of the dragon would decide which house the New Recruits would be allocated to. Adam hoped for The House of Water.

The House of Earth was found hidden in the lush green thick forest covering the south-east quarter of the island. Adam would have bet his allowance on Sam finding his hatchling green. His older brother was more suited for the protective nature of the legendary House of Earth. Whereas Dean suited his position in The House of Fire, renowned for its occupant’s fiery tempers and fierce combat capabilities.

Adam wasn’t artistic like the occupants of The House of Air. His temper was almost as bad as Dean’s sometimes but he didn’t want to be on the front line of a war and he wasn’t suited for the earthy protective nature of The House of Earth either. But The House of Water suited him fine. The blue house was geared towards healing and knowledge and Adam’s heart had already decided his life would lead into medicine, just like his mother. Adam had no aspirations to be like his father, former head of The House of Fire and youngest First Runner in history. He was happy to heal and study.

The parade of New Recruits stumbled along the cobble covered high street in a volatile mix of nervous and excited energy as the Dragon Temple loomed on the horizon.

The colossal building was made entirely of grey speckled marble and stood proud at the centre of the island. Large ornamental curling dragons provided the columns that held up the impressive entrance. Adam shivered as the procession entered the daunting temple causing Sam to squeeze his hand tightly in reassurance.

The New Recruits were separated into alphabetical order - thankfully for Adam, by their last name - by the heads of the Houses. Dean made it his business to manoeuvre the ‘W’s and spared his anxious younger siblings an encouraging wink. He’d already teased them over the ceremony before reassuring them with the truth. Still the whispered worries floating around the large open room seemed to seep into Adam’s skin and affect his own nerves.

A hush rolled across the temple like a wave starting from the back of the room. Sam’s grip tightened painfully and Adam had no need to turn and watch the procession of former students part the recruits like Moses and the Red Sea. He already knew who was marching behind Sir Robert Singer, Master Chief of the Island houses. Dean’s usually expressive face shut down as the group of successful former students separated and stood behind the heads of their respective houses.

Their elder brother had warned them that their father would be present at the ceremony, as he was ever year, but it still didn’t prepare Adam for the bone deep fear and loathing he felt as his cold gaze settled on their rugged father.

After Kate Milligan had died from an unknown disease she’d caught trying to aid settlements along the west coast of Africa, John and his wife Mary had taken the frightened and quiet ten year old into their home…but not their hearts. Adam had barely seen Mary Winchester in the four years he’d lived under the same roof as her. Only cold pictures helped him recognize the beautiful icy blonde standing unnervingly still behind John at the front of the hall. There was no warmth between the married couple and Adam never asked if their epic love, that rivalled only Romeo and Juliet in the paparazzi’s eyes, died before or after John’s infidelity came to light.

Sam had started to shake and Adam rubbed soothing gentle circles into the back of his taller brother’s hand in an effort to calm him. Sam squeezed his hand in a grateful reply. Dean caught their eyes and offered them a small smile and another comforting wink. This would be the hardest and longest three hours of their lives, mostly because in the past four years it would have been the longest the Winchester family had been in the same room together for. And judging by the steely cold glare of Mary Winchester targeted on Adam, time could not fly by fast enough.

“Welcome to the Academy!” Every recruit jumped as Sir Robert Singer’s gruff voice made its self-known.  “As New Recruits, I offer you the warmest welcome and the best of luck in the coming years, ya’ll need it.” A weak chuckle rippled through the crowd as Sir Singer smiled. It wasn’t a warm fuzzy ‘I’m a jolly old man’ smile; it was a hunter’s smile as he caught sight of his naïve prey. Adam swallowed thickly and wondered if it was too late to jump ship.

“Sit, you idjits!” Singer shouted and the New Recruits dropped into the lotus position. Adam’s knee bumped against Sam’s pointed knee cap as the siblings tried to sit as close as humanly possible. For the next three hours they would need all the reassurance they could provide each other as Dean couldn’t smile and wink or make funny faces at them throughout the main ceremony. Their joking older brother had to follow the strict procedures of the day, even if he did just want to wrap his muscled arms around their shoulders and stand as united front against the emotionless glare of their father.

Adam’s regulation black uniform, that he would wear until his dragon hatched, itched like a thousand tiny ants scurrying over his skin. All the uniforms were similarly styled to those worn in the Japanese school system. The boys wore plain straight laced trousers and a jacket that buttoned right up to the collar and few inches to the left of the normal European centre of the chest design. The girls had a similar jacket with a pleated knee high skirt and pumps instead of the boots the boys were supposed to wear. The only difference between the houses uniform and the New Recruits waiting to be placed was the colour. Green for The House of Earth, red for The House of Fire, blue for The House of Water and yellow for The House of Air. Adam longed for the navy blue uniform of The House of Water.

“The Academy has been on this island for a hundred generations and has provided a unique, continuously respectable and encouraging educational environment for all those who walk the path of Dragon Rider. You’ll be challenged every day to work harder, be smarter and most importantly to be the best you can be for your dragon. So without any more pompous crap, I’ll hand you over to these idjits to tell you about the houses and what they’ll mean to you.” Sir Singer’s voice echoed through the large hall. Nobody breathed as the old headmaster shuffled aside to allow the head of The House of Air to step forward.

Her violent red hair clashed with her soft yellow uniform as she glided away from her predecessors and took centre stage. She looked like an angel, too soft for war but perfect for inspiring work of The House of Air.

“I am Anna, a fifth year student and head of the House of Air.” Anna’s voice was as soft as her features and yet still managed to carry throughout the hall. Adam could see several New Recruits leaning forward to hang on her ever word. “The House of Air directs its energies towards the arts. Do not assume that makes us weaker than the other houses, for we are the masters of words and can break or make an argument or treaty. If your dragon hatches with yellow scales, you will be welcomed into our house high in the mountains.”

Anna bowed gracefully before gliding back to her spot in front of some angelic looking people. Adam briefly wondered if the whole house looked so divine. A brunette in a moss green uniform with an exotic face stepped forward next.

“I am Lisa. I’m in my final year at the Academy and I’m the head of the House of Earth.” Lisa was an old flame of Dean’s. One of the few he parted with amicably. Her voice was like a melody in comparison to Anna’s and Sam lent forward minutely.  “The House of Earth is about nurture and protection. We guard those weaker than us and strive to aid those who have need of us. We are a strong house, most likely to become Guardians, Lawyers and the like. If your hatchling is green, you will be welcomed into the House hidden in the forest.”

Lisa bowed cheekily and I could see why Dean would have chased her. He did like his conquests with a cheeky side. But Dean didn’t even look at Lisa as she practically skipped back to her smiling group, he did however watch as the tall, scruffy man standing for The House of Water stepped forward quietly. His uniform was neat and tight across his lean frame but his hair looked a little wild and his piercing bright blue eyes roamed the wide open faces of the New Recruits.

“I am Castiel.” Adam doubted he was the only one who shivered as Castiel’s gravelly voice seemed to seep through the hall like a thick mist. He could hear the naïve younger girls sighing with romantic dreams that would never come to light. Dean’s face was alive with amusement as he shared a warm smug smile with Sam and Adam.  “I am the head of the House of Water. It is the second oldest house on the island and we value healing and knowledge above all else. If your dragon is born with blue scales, you will be welcomed into the House by the shore.”

Castiel bowed his head slightly and returned to his place in front of his predecessors, his speech shorter than the rest but no less appealing to Adam. Dean winked at Adam’s wide smile. It was then Deans turn to saunter forward and Adam noted Sir Singer was shaking his head in his hands in the corner.

“I’m Dean, head of the House of Fire.” Dean’s wicked smile and rugged appearance was breaking hearts across the hall and pulling a tired groan from the Master Chief of the island. “The House of Fire is the oldest house on the island and home to the fieriest occupants of the island. Those whose hatchlings are red will join our house near the mountain. We like long walks on the beach, feisty partners and winning battles.”

Dean chuckled as he strolled back to their disapproving father. Even the disappointed glare of their dear daddy didn’t dampen the shit eating grin on Dean’s bright face. Sam and Adam were desperately trying not to laugh out loud as they avoided Mary and John’s steely eyes.  Sir Singer shuffled back to the centre again, muttering under his scratchy greying beard.

“Damn kids. Right then, with the introductions over with its time for the main event. Stand up you lot.” The hall filled with the sound of two hundred fourteen year olds in scratchy uniforms standing to attention. The nervous energy was like a living entity hovering over each individual. “When your name is called, come forward to receive your egg…Ruby Daemon!”

Normally, New Recruits were a bundle of nerves, twitching and fidgeting as they ambled towards the front of the hall to clutch their egg tightly to the chest after Elanor Visyak, a curvaceous professor with wavy blonde hair and mischievous glint in her eye, handed over the precious cargo. Ruby Daemon strode up to the front, a flirtatious flick in her hips and not an ounce of nervous energy around her. Her confidence and arrogance set Adam’s teeth on edge as she clasped her egg gently and moseyed back to her spot, flicking her lush thick black hair over her shoulder.

Sam watched as Ruby settled back into her spot and the dark eyed short woman winked boldly at him. Adam elbowed Sam sharply in the ribs when the gigantic fool blushed. Anyone could have seen the neon ‘Danger Will Robinson!’ sign the sexy New Recruit was practically oozing…anyone except Sam apparently who looked rather wounded as he pouted at Adam. Adam made a quick mental note to himself to watch Sam and Ruby’s future interactions.

The ceremony continued on and Adam lost himself in his thoughts as he watched nervous New Recruit after nervous New Recruit shuffle up to the front and clutch at their eggs like frightened children with their teddy bears. The eggs themselves were about a foot tall with a pale speckled cream shell. Inside was a fragile growing baby dragon that when born would be no longer then the length between your wrist and elbow. The colour of the dragon’s scales was decided by the imprint the New Recruit left on the egg. A telepathic link that would bleed over the unborn hatchling and decide the course of the pair’s future.

Sir Singer rattled down the list of New Recruits slowly and Adam rolled his eyes as he realised they weren’t even a quarter of the way through the list. Sam had started twitching at some point and Adam held back a tired sigh as he fitted his hand into his older brothers. The simple touch eased Sam’s nerves as he ceased vibrating on the spot. Dean was looking a little cross-eyed as he rocked back and forth on his heels. Adam figured that at least an hour had crawled by; he just wanted to get his egg and follow his older brothers to the Waiting Dorms to laugh about Dean’s inspiring speech and Andrew Gallagher’s attempt to make an omelette as the nerve wrecked young teen tripped and fell after receiving his extremely fragile egg.

To pass the time, Adam tried to guess which house his fellow New Recruits would enter.

“Joanna Beth Harvelle!” Adam raised an eyebrow as he recognised the family name of the legendary Combat Training Professor Ellen Harvelle. Judging by the confident swagger of Professor Harvelle’s young blonde daughter, Adam was a tiny bit worried that the hard, no-mercy, terrifying edge of Professor Harvelle’s legacy was hereditary. No doubt the self-assured feisty looking Joanna was set to follow her mother into The House of Fire.

“Ash Lindburg!” Now that was a crazy looking young man approaching Professor Visyak. His hair was defiantly not regulation, in fact…was that a Mullet? Apparently it was judging by Dean’s wide eyed look. The rocker like New Recruit wasn’t even dressed smartly. He had holes in the knees of his black trousers and his jacket was undone revealing a t-shirt with a bright yellow Pacman on it. Adam had no idea where Ash was heading but whichever house he ended up in was sure to be lively.

“Becky Rosen!” A young brunette, who practically skipped down to the front, was probably expecting her Dragon to have bright yellow scales. She reminded Adam of a fawn, slightly shaky on her feet but brimming with graceful potential.

Chuck Shurley was the next New Recruit to catch Adam’s attention, mainly because he looked like he’d just come of a bender. Chuck had scruffy hair and a patchy beard (obviously and early bloomer in the puberty department) and he was shaking more than Andrew Gallagher which Adam didn’t think was possible. Sir Singer snorted as Professor Visyak helped the shaking New Recruit get a good grip on his egg before patting Chuck on the back and smiling softly at him. Chuck muttered something to the Professor and Adam snapped to attention in surprise as Professor Visyak actually blushed a pretty pink. So Chuck Shurley had a way with words. Adam smiled as he watched Chuck walk a little taller back to his place. Another one for The House of Air.

Next was Harry Spangler. Obviously attempting to exude confidence and missing it by miles. Instead he almost seemed arrogant as he made his way to the front. He had short dark hair and a pale face, Adam was distinctly reminded of his next door neighbour who played way too many video games and rarely saw sunlight. Adam figured The House of Water, simply for the fact that the House of Water was nicknamed the House of Geeks by the other houses.

Nobody else seemed to stand out from the crowd of nerve wracked New Recruits. In fact Adam’s attention focused on memorising the map work of cracks littered across the Dragon Temple's ceiling as he waited for Sir Singer to roll down to his name.

After what felt like hours of following the tiny dark lines as they crisscrossed each other over the dark ceiling, Sam’s elbow jabbed into his side alerting Adam to the fact that Sir Singer had reached the ‘W’s.  Adam stood a little straighter and noticed Sam doing the same out of the corner of his eye. Dean, who looked like he’d learnt to sleep whilst standing upright throughout most of the ceremony, was blinking wide eyed and stretching discreetly as he waiting for his younger sibling’s big moment.

“Adam Milligan-Winchester!” Sir Singer shouted across the hall. Adam knew he should have been called with the other ‘M’s but his father’s heritage outranked his mother’s and technically Sir Singer shouldn’t have even mentioned his mother’s maiden name. Adam was glad that he did, he didn’t want his mother to be forgotten like his father wanted. Adam wanted her to be a part of his life and that’s why he’d kept her name. It wasn’t just to piss of John Winchester every time Adam corrected someone when they simply referred to him as a Winchester. Though that was an added bonus.

Sam gently pushed Adam forward releasing him from his thoughts.  Adam gulped as he began to shuffle forward through the crowd, the nerves settling like a lead weight in the pit of his stomach. Sam’s large hand squeezed his shoulder quickly before he moved out of reach and Dean smiled softly at him as Adam escaped the first few rows and made his way along the front of the group to Professor Visyak.

Adam gave his cold father a defiant stare as he marched along the front. His shoulders thrown back and his head held high as he tried to exude calm and in control. To be honest Adam figured he looked more like a baby duck trying to look tough.

“Welcome to the Academy, Adam,” Professor Visyak offered with a gentle and warm smile. Adam felt his throat seize up as he saw a flash of his mother’s caring face in Elanor Visyak’s soft features. He nodded sharply as he dropped his eyes to the cold marble floor. To his utter embarrassment the speckled floor was blurring with unsheathed tears. Adam blinked roughly and swallowed the lump lodged in his throat, he would not be the first New Recruit to cry at the ceremony and especially not for a silly reason.

“Here, darling.” The Professors lilted musical voice whispered as Adam’s narrowed range of vision was invaded by a large cream egg. His egg.

Fuck, he was actually going to cry.

“Thank you.” Adam forced out the words because, even dead, his mother would lecture him about manners. His voice sounded cracked and broken to his ears and Adam winced internally. He plucked up the courage to look Professor Visyak in the eyes before returning to his spot next to Sam. It must have just been the shock of wavy blonde hair and kind eyes because the Professor looked nothing like Kate Milligan.

With that ghost laid to rest, if only temporarily, Adam offered the kind Professor a cheeky grin before heading back to his giant bundle of nerves, also known as Sam. The walk back was easier and less macho-failure then it had been to actually reach the front. Then again ninety percent of Adam’s attention was on the warm egg clutched to his chest.

To the touch the outer shell had an almost gravel like texture. Small bumps and dips like braille littered the casing as Adam gently stroked the side of his new lifelong friend. He’d never be rid of the scaly fire breathing creature now. A constant companion that would shadow his life. It was a little daunting for Adam.

“You alright?” Sam whispered as he bent down to Adam’s ear. Adam shook himself from his introspective thoughts and realised that he’d successfully made it back to Sam on auto-pilot. Adam’s gaze flickered around the room and caught Dean’s worried glance.

“I’m fine…” The hell he was.


adam milligan mini bang round one, spn, series: a dragon's heart, rating:pg13, pairing:adam/michael

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