география и язык

Sep 05, 2015 23:38

Geographical influence on the word stock

The question which has been evolving scientific arguments and interest is the one concerning the single, unique language which was the beginning of all languages known as the well known Tower of Babel. However opinions split and the arguments continue despite the numerous inventions, modern technologies, computerizing etc. Whatever that or those languages were the fact is that all researches have a side on the decline - combining and summing up the geographical, cultural, habitual, linguistic sides as here even the diachrony is absolutely insufficient. This deficiency was the background for looking more carefully at geography including the borders, climate, toponyms and the cultural peculiarities combines together for demonstrating the development of the word stock.

After the great migration from African territory, the Earth became slowly inhabitant and the first tribes were developing being in need for communication. Why to communicate? In general we need it first of all because somebody possesses something we don't have, especially in the very case with the ancient tribes. Here we divide (optionally) people into two tribes A and B. The first picture shows their territory.

Pic.1 Geographical position of observed tribes.

The black marks are the rivers and the B tribe possesses more water sources than the A tribe. The rivers have the names. The B river is called "Anaku" where "ana" is mother and "ku" is water. The A river is small and insufficient. It should be suggested that the word "ku" is also used in the same meaning here but "ana" is not present simply as they don't have big enough source for calling it this way but the word "fil" meaning son is quite suitable. Here we have the name "Filku". It's not a bare theory as we have enough examples of such relation and word building in different languages. In slovenic languages the root "дн" means "water" and number of rivers are called "Днепр", "Днестр","Дунай" etc. If we imagine that the tribes unite or have war, both words or one of them will remain. Sometimes the lexical units of the dominant tribe enter the wordstock but the defeated one's remain in the language but less. Here the suitable example is "pig" and "pork" originally both meaning the animal, not the meat.

If we include pure linguistic element, for example aspirated consonants, vowel shift or other fenomena observed in linguistic studies we will get number of changed words. The word "anaku" will easily change to "anahu" or "enehu". Despite the following changes the word itself will still be a toponym.

Turning back to the tribes geography we observe the lack of mountains, so logically we can suppose that the tribe C lives in the mountain area. They have mountains but don't have water sources, so it's logical to suggest that the tribe C will have simply "ku", as there is no reason to call the river "mother", but they have a word "hatura", where "ha" means "high" and "tura" means "earth".

Pic.2 Position of three tribes.

No doubt that A and B tribe will have the word for the mountain too, but it will differ of course from that of the C's. Years later both of the names will be preserved but one of them will be the personal name and the second one will be the toponym meaning "mountain". This is not the only influence of neighboring tribes but a wider, including for example dialects.
Also it was noticed by Caleb Everette that languages with abruptives are usually based in the mountainous area and even becomes a national peculiarity breaking the boundaries of language families etc. One more interesting fact is that the dialect with abruptives when comes to the lands but the local dialect remains uninfluenced. It may also depend on climatic peculiarities. For example it is more logically not to produce long sounds during cold weather or shorten long words to save the oxygen, for example in mountains [1, 6].
When it comes to a particular word stock we can state that the language is formed in accordance with geographical position, climatic peculiarities, borders etc.
Also the variety of terms for a single notion has much to say about the importance of the notion. Bedouins for instance have more than 10 words denoting the camel in all its variations like one-hump camel, pregnant camel etc. This can be explained using cultural or geographical backgrounds. If we speak about culture, the notion which has a large number of synonyms is well developed and important. For example magical rites were widespread during the years of paganism, so there is a great variety of shamans, all of them have their own specification etc. The word "magician" has over 100 synonyms, but it's etymology brings us to the times of witches who used herbs for healing people, it means that witches appeared near the forests or at least in the places with vegetation. That's why there is a great variety of magical ceremonies and "magicians" themselves. Here we speak about geographical backgrounds. If we compare voodoo attributes with those of other cults, we will notice that they differ according to the sources the cult possesses so it's also geographical aspect.[3, 4]

Geography is not only the position on the firm ground with borders but more. It's also climate. Here I would like to mention Everett's researches, where he states that the climate influences the produced sounds. In short, it's possible to say that in some sense, languages are ecologically adaptive. At the same time I would like to note that nobody claims that languages are determined only by the climate or in the dry regions do not speak the language with a complex sound. In fact, we argue that in the long stretches of time there is a slight impact against the use of sounds that are unsustainable for biological reasons. This pressure can, for example, appear in a smaller spread the word with a complex sound in such languages. [1,7]

Here we can make first conclusions that the word stock is depended on the landscape, climate and, if speaking about the borders, borrowings also enter the language with some changes in sounds in virtue of this or that utterances. For example, the cold would be irrational to open your mouth wide, and in the heat - on the contrary. In arid climates, reduce moisture loss can also be less than opening his mouth. Everett noted with regret that the linguists, like the humanities , do not like the idea of their dependence on the natural environment. If even the birds in different natural conditions, different sounds are exchanged, that is no accident , it is unlikely that a person is not the case. It is a question, rather, for researchers at physiological anthropology.

Geography also deals with the borders, including historical aspect which is absolutely ignored by scientists. For illustrating the importance of historical changes, imagine how the depiction of homo sapiens would be if scientists described it based on a modern scull. Generally, after a scrutiny of articles on ancient people's migration, it was noticed that climatic differences and borders are not considered. Numerous mistakes come from this point as vital factors are missed. For instance African climate used to be different, and the soil analysis proves it. The question is how can this influence on the word stock. The answer is - directly and vitally. As it was already mentioned languages were developing based on the speakers' progress. To illustrate it in a simple and suitable way, I will use the example of a herb. Firstly it could be called shortly and simply meaning grass, then with the development of people's consciousness it got additional name according to its healing characteristics, then it was brought to some neighboring country getting the name of the place of it's origin, then it will be given a Latin name etc. Finally we get the herb with several names one of which is a term, one is national, one is the short form etc. The example is Rhizômata Càlami - rhizome, of which prepare tinctures and infusions, drugs Olimethinum, Polyphytolum, Vicalinum, Vicairum, Herbogastrinum. [2,78]

In the Middle Ages believed AIR disinfectant, it chewed during epidemics, rhizome powder sprinkled on the wound. In the East, it has long been used as an aromatic calamus root agent. Candied sweet flag roots - Turkish delicacy, which is sold in pharmacies in Europe until the XVII century. It is interesting that the botanist Mattioli described in his Travnik and p for candied root obtained from Constantinople, and live plants are not seen. Only in 1574 the botanist Clusius received from Turkey living plant that was planted in one of the botanical gardens of Vienna. In 1601, he also made a drawing and described it.

It is known that the plant to Russia brought the Tatars, who believed that the waters where it grows, the water is clean and suitable for men and horses, and therefore carried with them the roots, threw them into the water bodies, to purify water. In Lithuania and p called "Tatar grass" in Russian - "Tatar potion." The religious holiday of the Trinity leaves Calamus made carpet floors housing the church.

The faithful believe that all the plants mentioned in the Holy Scriptures have miraculous powers, call them "celestial doctor". Air relates to such plants.
Thus is just a part of possible variants of developing of the language based on geography which is not considered nor respected. The words, the language, grammar and phonology is formed by many components which should be learned. Nevertheless most of scholars investigate only a small part, which simply can't be fully examined as a saying can't be examined being torn out of its context. Looking precisely it's possible to see the connection which is of great importance.
1. http://postnauka.ru/faq/43263
2.Новиков В., Губанов И. "Популярный атлас дикорастущие растения" М., 2008, ISBN 978-5-358-05146-1.
3. Демир Н.Г. "Сравнительное описание лексико-семантического поля "magician" и "волшебник" как части английской и русской языковых картин, Гуманитарные, социально-экономические и общественные науки №3-2013. - С. 10-16, 030000 Гуманитарные науки."
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