I feel oh so sultry.

Jul 26, 2005 12:03

wow i havent updated in.. 5 days!? thats crazy talk!
i forgot what happened on friday.. so fuck that.
i went to the mall with cathy and kati like at..
12? or 1? i forgot. but like we ran around liek the little lemons we are.
it was fun. but katis brother scares me! cause he is a pycho bitch from hell.
like when they gave me a ride there, kati and cathy were talking and then he was like ROARRRR i was like what the duckling! yeah
then like cathy had to go to like.. church or something. so me and kati like went to barns and noble. we got drinks. and omf there was the nicestest ladie! we were going to get straws. and like we walked past and like she was like do you guys want to sit with us? we can share. i was like AW cause she was sitting there with her baby. i kinda wish we had sat with here. cause maybe she was lonely. she could have been a single mom and had an itneresting life story... lol iunno. but then like me and kati sat in teh sci-fi section and like yeah. then we started talking pictures it was crazy. i took like some pictures of kati and it didnt look like her.. like at all xD it was crazy!!! then cathy called us and she was liek where are you guys?! cause she got back 1/2 and hour early i guess. so like we ran across the road to get there then kati like almost stepped on a rabbit.
awitwasallcuteandfluffy! then liek my mom started calling me and omg she was famn pissed offfffffffffffffffffff! she was like when are you coming home what are you doing havent you been there long enough i dont think youre goign tomarrow we need to talk.. she's crazy..! then she called again and was like WHY IS SARAH BRET AND MELISSA ON MY DOOR STEP i was like.. cause they want to bask in your glory iunno! so then i nick gave me a ride home. and he was fucking pissed! he like didnt say anything to me at all. it was scary. then like no one was home and i was like SCORE! and then i called sarah and stuff and they were waiting for me on a corner(?) so then they came to my house we like ransacked my house for change made like 20$ and then walked to circle K. sarah was kinda sad cause her boyfriend was cheating on her and she just found out and like they broke up. so then some guy they call ghaundi who is really scary. came and picked us up and we went to brets house. AND THEN JOE CAME AND DROPPED PACO OFFFFFFFFFFFFF! i was like YAY! then i went with joe, sarah, and jenna to go get cesar and he bought us vodka and schnobs with the money we found. then we went back to brets house. it was fun. i had a shot and omg it tasted nasty! so then we randomly went to the backyard and sarah started blazing it with jimmy and i sat on jimmys lap and did a couple shot guns with sarah. then liek it was just us 3 outside. then paco and jenna came back out and liek fucking jenna was like all over paco and he kinda was like get this bitch off me xD. then like we went inside. and then like jenna was all being a whore and was all over these 2 dudes. me and sarah were like jenna stop youre being a fucking whore! then she liek started putting her arms around pacos waist. so then i like pinched her hand and me and paco like cuddled. then we went to go drop sarah and me off at melissa's and me and paco were liek hugging and stuff and talking. then like iunno al of a sudden we were on the floor o_O;' then like iunno jenna like hit paco and i like freaking pushed her on the floor xD. and then me and paco said bye D: and i stole his hat and went home.
i woke up like at 9
cause church which was like. really blah. we didnt goto the hobo home. so whatever. iunno what happened. my mom says its cause lynda wanted to like flirt with the news guy. cause was like all flirty with him after service. iunno. my mom is a bullie. then my mom was all pissy and shit
and i had to clean my room; which i dont really care about cause i was gonna do it that day anyways. then i went to a bbq at sarahs. bleh.
my mom like is a byotch.
i went down stairs and was watching jerry with her.
then i went upstairs and i was sitting up there on teh come and listening to music. then she was liek. wanna goto good will and hobby lobby with me? so i was like why not. and i got all dressed and then went back on the comp. then like she was like 'can you put those cloths in this trash bag so i can take it to good will? its okay you dont have to do it right now, just do it when jerrys
over' so well i did when jerry was over, and she was being all weird. she was like 'do you want these balck sweats for when you goto the gym?' i was like.. 'no thanks i dont liek the matrial' she was liek 'aw dont hurt my feelings' and i just kinda looked at her and kept putting the clothes back in the bag. then somone IMed me and she was like WHY DONT YOU JUST STAY HERE AND TALK TO THEM DAMN IT DONT FUCKING HELP ME! i was like 'i guess i will' and i put the bag down stairs and then went into my room to get something. i noticed she was lkike fucking taking apart teh computer i was like whatever. so i went down stairs and started watching tv. and she was like 'YOU THIINK YOUR SO FUCKING SMART, SO FUCKING HIGH UP.' i just ignored her cause shes a metapausal bitch. and then she like fucking slapped me, and my glasses and my hat flew off. and i like put my arms up and grabbed my face and like went into the fetile postionm on the couch. and she just started like fucking slapping and punching me. then she was like 'LOOK AT ME! ARE YOU GONNA BE A SMART ASS WITH ME AGAIN' and like i didnt want to like move. so i didnt.. 'I'LL FUCKING BRAKE THE DAMN CHAIR ON YOUR HEAD IF YOU DONT ANSWER ME' so i was liek fuck. so i looked at her and she took another swing but like i leaned back and she missed. and she was like raging and went out. so like i was sitting there and it was so weird, i didnt cry or anything. i just made a pbj and got some chips and dip and watched tv. i was liek fucking oblivious to what happened. my arms were liek so fucking red!
so then bret came by and picked me up and we got sarah and natasha, went to walgreens and picked a pregancy test for sarah(it was negative thankfully)
then we went to go see the wedding crashers. it was funny :D! then yeah.. we went home.. it was liek 1030 anyways xD. so then
paco called meeeeeeeeee
i was liek :D!
he was like 'i want my hat back.' so i said 'you'll get it back'
and he was all.. 'when?' ahahah 'when you take me to the movies tomarrow'
omg i felt so sexy! oh was liek 'o?' i was like 'yup' :D!
so he's gonna call me todayyyyy to arrange it :D!
i felt so damn sexy xD

omg the music video for Lose Control- Missy Elliot/Ciara/Fat Man Scoop IS FUCKING AWESOME!

heres teh piccsssssss

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