Power Census

May 26, 2011 10:43

Laura: Wikia Page
Personal Journal: sahara_storm
Contact info:
Email: saharastorm@hotmail.com
AIM: mautadite
Perceived Activity: At the moment, I'm around for at least 5 hours, every day. This will change soon.

Character's name: The Midnighter
Journal: deminuit
Series: The Authority
Canon Point: After 'Wildstorm Armageddon #1: Midnighter'
Loss: His secondary heart. It's designed to kick in if something happens to his primary heart. It gives him an element of... let's say pseudo-immortality. With it, he can afford to be reckless. Without it, he'll need to be a little more careful. (Not that he will be. He is the Midnighter, after all.)
Species/Race: Post-human. He used to be human, and then underwent a series of procedures that fitted him with various neural and physical implants. And voila, powers.
Morality: Oh, boy. The Midnighter is a vigilante hero. This means that he does the right thing (the vast majority of the time) but his methods are not very superhero-y. He doesn't hold much stock in prison time/rehabilitation, especially for criminals who've killed/exploited people. He kills, regularly, and he enjoys it. His methods can be cruel and unforgiving. Torture, intimidation, mental games... he's down with all of that, and again, it's seriously no skin off his back. These things are normal for him. This guy is part of the team that pretty much marched into Tibet, and told the Chinese, "get out or we start killing everyone wearing a military uniform." I mean, at the core, he is a... good.. person (I cringed typing that...... jk jk jk he really is a good person) and his ultimate goal is to help the ordinary man and create a finer world. But he is also a bastard who likes ripping people's spines clear out of their bodies and playing football with their heads sooooooooooo I guess what I'm trying to say here is that his morality is a bit skewed.
Involvement: Are innocent people getting hurt? He's there, 8 times out of 10. Sometimes, he just wants to be left alone, and if he thinks that other heroes have a hold on it, he'll just stay out of it, but in general, he's pretty involved. He probably won't be too concerned about castle stuff, and more stick to things that are affecting the City Royale, because the way he sees it, they're the ones who've really gotten the bad end of the deal.
"I" in TEAM: There is no 'I' in team but if you rearrange the letters you'll get a 'me'. The Midnighter is a loner. If you are not part of the Authority, he does not want to work with you. Hell, sometimes, he doesn't even work that well with THEM. Of course, he'll play nicely when he needs to, especially if it's with Jenny or Apollo (the latter in particular; that's his husband after all, and they've worked together for a lot longer than anyone else, and they know each other's rhythms and styles, etc), but sometimes he just wants to work alone. Several of the issues in his solo series, Midnighter, focus on how much of a loner and a grump he is, and how single-minded he can be when it comes to the job. To quote: "I am not a lover. I am not a father. I am not a friend. I am what I was bred to be. And therein lies the problem." If you're not part of his team, then fuck you, he does not want to work with you. He WILL, under duress/if there's no other choice/you have something that he needs/it's for the ultimate good of all, but in general, he vastly prefers to get shit done on his own time and on his own steam.
Abilities/Powers: Here you go. His most prevalent ability/power is the computer in his brain that allows him to 1) see the special abilities and powers of his opponents and 2) analyse a fight in a million different ways in the span of a second, all before the first punch is thrown.

* Please include Power Survey
1. Hand to Hand Fighting: His preferred method of getting things done.
Powered: 5/5
Unpowered: 4/5

2. Short Range Weapons: He has a lot of these, and he likes using them all. Particularly the staff and nunchucks and knives.
Powered: 5/5
Unpowered: 5/5

3. Long Range Weapons: Doesn't use these too much; he likes to get up close and personal when he kills people. Oh God.
Powered: 4/5
Unpowered: 4/5

4. Pain Tolerance: He's got pain-dampeners that he can switch on and off. They don't nullify the pain completely, but with the stuff he's been through? He HAD to build some natural tolerance for getting hurt. Pain's not an issue for him.
Powered: 10/10
Unpowered: 8/10

5. Stamina: He is extremely durable.
Powered: 9/10
Unpowered: 7/10

6: Medical Capabilities: First aid, setting broken bones, average stuff.
Powered: 3/5
Unpowered: 3/5

Weaknesses: Psionics: Someone with mental capabilities and at least some knowledge of his implants would be able to block his mind's access to the implants. It's been shown with regard to his ability to predict his opponents moves, not his strength/speed/senses etc. The implants themselves cannot be tampered with, only his ability to access them.

Nanite infection: Got nanites? Well, if you're able to get them into his body, you can control his mind and body. (It's been suggested somewhere that he's immune to conventional mind control, buuut let me get back to you on that when I find the issue in question.)

(Semi-optional): A MUST FOR POWERED CHARACTERS - Please state conditions necessary to:
CAUSE DEATH: Something like cutting off his head or blowing him to bits would be the best bet, since he's been shown to walk off/fight with lots of things that would kill normal humans: broken neck, multiple gunshot wounds, hole in his chest, being set on fire. It helps that he heals pretty quickly. He's just an augmented human, however; he is not immortal/completely invulnerable.
INCAPACITATE: A lot poisons/drugs/types of bio-warfare won't work on him; his immune system takes care of those pretty quickly. But not all of them, so we could definitely go down that road, especially if said substances aren't from Earth. It's also possible to knock him unconscious if you're fast enough/strong enough.
Death: The short answer is yes, I'm theoretically up for it. Let's discuss!
OTHER: The Midnighter always carries quite a few weapons on his person. They include, but are not limited to: a staff, a couple short staffs, a nightstick, a machete, several knives and daggers, throwing stars, a mace, nunchucks, a piece of wood with nails in it, a drill-type thingy, a pair of scissors, and a mini-stapler. He owns guns, but again, he doesn't really use those.
Headcanon: He only just got here, so no, there's nothing much I have for him in the way of headcanon.

census, !paradisa

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