May 20, 2006 13:06
working is so much better when you get a pay check. but for those long two weeks of nothing..and you have to make sure that you don't spend what you need till you get your next sux ass. But having people to talk to always makes it better.
I was thinking maybe i should tak ea class in library science. maybe an organizational class.. honestly i can't learn too much..and why not have a broader understanding of things...even if my mind is expanded a little. I've taken astronomy and it's amazing. the class was awful..but from what i did learn..(and it was very little) i have an interest now to learn more on my own. The class even had a disclaimer to people who were highly religious. something about the class going completely against bible teachings.
i'm not anti-religious even though my post seem that way sometimes...but i acknowledge that religion is a major problem in our society. People need something to fall back on andmake them feel better. i need something definately.. however, to let governing systems become so affected by it is chaotic. I need more education in History. I think everybody does, but myself more so because i can remember only slightly important events that fell around the corruption of religion. If i knew more..i would know what to watch out for. i want to be more political.
also, i believe that politicians should no longer be trained soley in Political Science. From my understanding of it..and what i see from our politicans today..political science merely teaches people about the system and focuses ideas on how to get around it. Politicans should be anthropologist with a broad but well trained background in history. (they should also be trained in manners and English) Of course..if it is a bad person then these tools..just like Political Science, can be used against the people. But i'm willing to take a gamble on something different then what i've been given.
i feel as if my life and the lives of everyone in this country are captives of an arranged marriage system. From a young girl i was raised knowing that the government before me was mine whether i liked it or not and that he and I would be joined one day..whether i liked it or not. Now that i'm a young woman and i see the marriage bed coming closer where i'll have to consimate our union...i want out...i'm not okay with this. i want to be with a government i love. sure many of us could grow to live this government but why should be settle?