This was a triumph...

Jul 19, 2010 23:53

Yeah, more on that later. It's kinda late right now, so a few things:
HALLO HETALIA FRIENDING MEME FOLK. I'm Julia and I will greatly enjoy being your friend! I may have an intro post somewhere. I may need to make a new one. Whatever, just roll with it, I kinda suck at LiveJournal anyway. Which is why...
YOU SHOULD IM ME! Because I'm signed on, like, constantly. My username is "bolshewismus" on AIM, Yahoo, and MSN. Why yes, that is "Bolshevism" in German. Misspelled. The proper spelling was taken ok. No I am not actually a communist.
Now, onto the real reason for this post:
It's that one where you post with a comment that says "Double rainbow, so intense", and then I ask you five questions, and then you respond in your own journal and continue the meme. You know that one. Here we go.

From yonho :
1. Who is the most MANLY of Hetalia characters? For bonus points, defend your answer (without using Spartan warriors).
That's easy! GERMANLY. No contest, it's in his name. He is made of pure muscle and eats nothing but meat, and his primary interests are cars, beer, and building things. It's just undeniable. Seriously, why is this even a question?
2. What is your favorite food? What is the weirdest food you've ever eaten? This counts as one question, not two, because I said so.
Favorite? Pasta~ With meat sauce. Watermelon is a close second.
Weirdest... Aside from all the plastic I've ingested (yay chewing habit), I tend to avoid too much weirdness. Probably it was snails, in France. They were bright green.
3. How would you describe your experience as a high school student? Either sum it up very briefly or tl;dr about it, I don't mind. (Or just write something of medium length, but that's not as fun.)
Pretty neat. Way better than middle school. I had actual friends!
4. Which Pokemon games have you played?
Crystal, Sapphire, LeafGreen, Emerald, Pearl, Platinum, SoulSilver, Coliseum, XD. *is intense*
5. I humbly request your thoughts on yaoi cheesy chick flick movies. This is not, gramatically speaking, a question, which is to make up for the conglomerate question in #2.
I like 'em if they're funny... But I never find them funny.

From arlettylin :
1) Is there anything that you'd really love to see happen in Hetalia? For example an actual historical situation replicated, or something completely made up?
All of history. All of it. But to narrow it down... I want to see more cold war, for OTP reasons and for reasons of intense personal interest. I'd like to see the (suprisingly unrelated) Winter War too, so that Finland can be properly badass. (I love Finland itself, but I feel like the side I love is never shown in Hetalia.) And I'd like to see more countries outside of Europe, especially in Africa and Latin America, because I know nothing about those places and Hetalia's the best way to get me interested in history.
2) What is your current favourite song?
Agh, so difficult to choose! It's either Astronaut by Amanda Palmer or this one crazy Finnish folk/pop song.
(The actual songs I've been listening to most are Always and Tik Tok... BUT DON'T TELL.)
3) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Oh my goodness, another one that's too difficult ;-; I think, if I'm going with one place for the rest of my life, Italy. Good food, nice weather, friendly people - that's what I want. Now, I've never been to Italy, and I don't speak any Italian, but THAT DOESN'T MATTER.
4) If you had to drink something for the rest of your life, what would it be? Can be alcoholic or not :D
Italian soda. <3 (Today's meme is brought to you by Italy and Finland!)
5) Who is your OTP?
Russia/ America for life. I ship it like the Challenger: WITH LOTS OF DEATH AND EXPLODING. I've shipped this since before Hetalia existed, I swear. Though lately I've been more and more drawn to Italy/Germany... They're just so damn cute ;3;

From t_lyrical :
1. You're now a KHR mafia boss! Who would be your guardians?
Umm... Who's that really gay one? Lussuria! I pick him. And, uh, I guess I was always fond of Gokudera. And... um... A dinosaur.
2. Favorite dessert? Describe in detail please!
I wanna be simple and say "chocolate cheesecake", but actually it was this one thing in France with like, strawberries and cream and butteriness... I forget what it was called, though. It was square. And pink.
3. You get to take a tour on any country with its respective Hetalia character. Which country do you choose?
I like this question! As nuts as this seems, Russia. I desperately want to go to Russia, but I would only go with a guide who knows their stuff really well. And who knows Russia better than Russia? Besides, he's the one I would most want to meet in person. I feel like we could really connect, y'know? I get along well with strange people. /mary-sue fantasies
...Great, now I really want this to happen and it never will. ;3; WHY SO NONEXISTENT VANYA
4. What are your pet peeves?
Hmm... People who cry about what failures they are? No, that was mean to sad people. Uh... I'll go with "humidity". Fuck DC summers.
5. What's the story behind your sousername? :D
It's mildly interesting! (also sousername lol) In middle school, my friend told me that I "can't draw anything that's not demented". So for my dA, I chose the username "dementiaincarnate". (DON'T GO THERE, IT WAS LAST UPDATED IN MIDDLE SCHOOL, NEW ONE IS DEMIINCARNATE... Great, you all went there, didn't you.) That was too long and also moderately disturbing, so I switched to "demiincarnate", which is like "halfway there", get it?



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