Constructive rant done for challange #3 at
demigod_elite . 1286 words. Contains copious material from Homer's Odyssey. If anyone reads this and has more informed opinions to add or any criticism, please don't hesitate; I'm not that savvy in Greek mythology...
Essay on the Characterisation of Calypso A trio of drabbles done for challenge #3 at
demigod_elite . They can be read individually or together in sequence.
Drabble: In which Odysseus is not the hero. Pg. 423 words. Calypso/Odysseus, unrequited. Hermes.
When asked, what wouldst thou, she replieth: I would die. Dabble: Just one more hero. Follows In which Odysseus is not the hero. Pg. 430 words. Percy/Calypso
Read more... Drabble: The only constant. Follows In which Odysseus is not the hero and Just one more hero. Pg. 639 words. Hermes/Calypso
...and by the Styx, he won’t ever leave her again to endure solitude and despair.