"The Oracle" is a pretty cool codename. Too bad Barbara Gordon already took it.

Mar 02, 2010 12:23

01. Name: I go by oneoffour111, or you can call me C.
02. LJ Username oneoffour111
03. How did you find out about the Percy Jackson series?
I reserved a huge load of Greek mythology books at my library a few years ago, and TLT happened to be in the stack--best book of them all, definitely. So I reserved the rest, picked them up, and boom! Instant favorite book series.


04. What do you wish to accomplish in life?
I want to a) double major in English and Spanish for college, b) work on something concerning writing (i.e. editing, I love editing. I’m not that great yet, but I’m learning a lot and I have more time to figure the rest out), and c) have a family. That’s all I have planned for now. :]

05. What type of magical object would you like to have?
Car-in-a-capsule, with a built-in chauffeur, of course. I don’t really like driving, so a way to get around without actually having to drive would be awesome. Or, on second thought, maybe a mini-Aphrodite to zap pimples and such, ha ha.

06. What makes you like or dislike a person?
First off, how they treat other people. Then, they have to be honest and hard-working, and think of others over themselves. So yeah, Percy’s my perfect match. Hmm, let’s see. Looks don’t matter that much to me. Humor does. I’m incredibly serious at times, but horribly goofy at others. Someone who can keep up with me and my weird moods would be great, definitely. :)

07. Are you a leader or a follower?
Leader if I know the subject/activity we’re doing, follower if I don’t. For example, baking cookies: leader, making souffles: follower.

08. What would you consider your fatal flaw?
Pride, very possibly...I’m bad at admitting I need help when I think asking someone would be below me. Sometimes I think I can do things I can’t, as well.

09. What do you think are your top five best qualities?
a) I like to make everyone happy, giving of myself and my time. I don’t let that take over my life, though... I consider myself a happy balance between people-pleaser and someone who does just enough to get by. Plus I love to give presents. It makes me happy.

b) Well, I’ve been told my skillz are pretty awesome. =] I like writing, helping out, encouraging, speaking Spanish (Spanish III, baby!), and I built a shed with my dad once...? And I’m really good at cleaning... Yeah, I’m not sure if that all counts, but anyway.

c) My friends consider me very levelheaded, which I think is a good quality. I can think problems out pretty well if given enough time.

d) My willingness to try new things. There is almost no food I have not/will not try, and my taste in music is so varied it’s almost crazy. I love travel and being outside my comfort zone, usually, is great with me. Wait, does that mean I don’t have a comfort zone because I’ve broken it? Uhh...

e) I’m very reasonable, and also frugal. I don’t think I’ve ordered pop at a restaurant in...months, at least. I won’t refuse gifts, though. Who in their right mind would?

10. What do you think are your top five worst qualities?
a) I tend to be judgmental at times, or not give people enough time to grow on me. That’s just in general.

b) Pride, as mentioned before.

c) I’m not very good at decision-making on the spot.

d) I’m bad at making new friends, because I tend to just be happy with the ones I have. Then later I stress because everyone else is friends with everyone else and I’m sitting here with my books. Ugh, I sound so shallow, but it’s true. :/

e) Procrastination, I suppose, or at least not prioritizing very well. Lists help me, though, so I’m battling it!


11. Who is your favorite character in the Percy Jackson series?
Why, Percy, of course! Who else has epic water powers, great humor, and an awesome relationship with a kick-butt girl? Plus he makes my heart flutter so. /pathetic

12. Who is your least favorite character in the Percy Jackson series?
Either Grover or Nico. They’re both so...whiny. And drab. Nico grows up, and movie!verse Grover is totally awesome, but in most of the books they’re my least favorites.

13. If you could spend a day with one of the Percy Jackson characters, who would you choose and why?
Glah, I don’t know...I guess Silena to pick her brain about random girl stuff, what really matters, beauty, etc. Plus the fact that her dad owned a chocolate shop would mean that she has gourmet chocolates hanging around. Always a plus for me. *blushes*

14. What is something you would change about the series?
Argh, why all the hard questions? This series is near perfect. How Riordan reduced Rachel to a lame love interest throughout much of BOTL. She was totally the bomb until she got in the way of my ship! Everyone knew that Percy/Rachel wasn’t meant to be, anyway, so why bother, RR, why bother?

15. What is something you would never change about the series?
The stellar appearances from everyone in Greek mythology, which was my first love before PJ&O: Tantalus, the Labyrinth/Daedalus, Theseus, Chiron, the gods and their awesome quirks, etc. The list goes on and on. Would’ve liked to see Bellephoron in there somehow, though. :)
16. Which god do you feel the least likeness towards?
Aphrodite, she’s just so flighty. I like my gods loyal (yeah, like any of them are). Yes, she helped Percy and Annabeth out a couple times, but she should just dump Ares and relax about the “tragic love story” of the century. Seriously girl, it’s not all about you.


17. Age: 15

Okay, that’s about it! Thanks for reading!

! application, claimed: hestia

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