Awaiting the Oracle!

Apr 01, 2011 14:18

the series 11. Who is your favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? Probably Percy.  He's just so sarcastic and goofy and so completely believable.  Though honorable mentions have to got to Thalia, Tyson, and Leo, and I like almost all the characters to some extent.   12. Who is your least favorite character in the Percy Jackson series?  Piper.  She's such a whiny drama queen.   13. If you could spend a day with one of the Percy Jackson characters, who would you choose and why? Percy.  He's easygoing and I think he's just be fun to hang out with, whatever we were doing.
14. What is something you would change about the series? I'd have Thalia be present at Luke's death.  She was one of the most important people in his life and I think he should have seen her before he died. 15. What is something you would never change about the series?  Percy's sarcasm.  ;)  And the chapter titles-I hate how TLH just had Roman numerals.  I mean, what do those have on "Nico buys Happy Meals for the Dead"?     
etc 16. Pick a fictional character from any book/movie/tv show/etc. Which cabin would you place them in and more importantly why? Foxface from The Hunger Games would so be a child of Hermes.  After all, she's clever, resourceful, and a thief.      16.Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer.  Freedom and self-fulfillment would be tied for me.  I'm not sure I could enjoy one without the other.  Beauty-I'm not just talking about physical appearance here-I love having beauty around me.   Security- I'm not normally a worrier,  but I like to know that there's always something to fall back on.   Wealth-My favorite activities can be expensive.  It would be nice to have more money for them.  Power- I take it or leave it.  I won't refuse it if it's offered, but it's not something I'd search for or work hard to get.  Glory-Frankly, I hate being in the spotlight.  I don't need glory. 
17. Which god do you feel the least likeness towards? Hera, probably.
half blood hill 18. Age: 14 19. Location: Southeastern USA

! application, claimed: athena

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