(no subject)

Feb 28, 2011 19:15

1: Name? Allie Ben-Hamida
2. LJ Username? allie_criss
3.How did you find out about the Percy Jackson series? I first discovered the delights of the Percy Jackson series about two years ago (I think), when I saw the books in my god-siblings (is that the right term?) room and asked to read them.
                         The Oracle
4.What do you wish to accomplish in life? Well, I'd just be happy with marrying Darren Criss. On a more serious note though, I really wish to work as a diplomat for faraway lands and acheive peace, happiness and prosperity.
5. What type of magical object would you like to have? Easy. I would like a wand, that way I could make anything appear. But, I guess those flying shoes would be great! I mean, in P.E I could just whip them on and be like 'See you, Losers!', or you know, not.
6.What makes you like or dislike a person? Oh, that's a hard question. I guess, I hate things like attention seeking, bullying, stereotyping, rascists, bigots. You know, generally the sort of people who are bad for your health. I like people who are genuine, BANTERIFFIC (I know that's not really a word, but what the hey?!), I like people who just be themselves, as long as being themselves doesn't involve being jerks. If that made any sense whatsoever...
7. Are you a leader or a follower? Well, I guess that depends. If it's a situation where I'm comfortable and I know what I'm doing then leader. However, if I think if someone knows how to handle situation better than I could then I take a step back and follow their lead.
8. What would you consider your fatal flaw? I don't have one =P ....I guess, sometimes, this is going to sound really awful but I am quite arrogant. I mean, If I could date myself, I would. It's because I'm awesome =P It's not always a good thing to be over-confident.
9. What do you think are your top five qualities?
a) Well, I am pretty witty sometimes. If there was a competition of witiscism then I would come up top. Or you know, second. Second's good.
b) Freindly, I like to meet new people, I enjoy talking to everybody. I'm quite a sociable creature!
c) I like to listen to other people viewpoints and opinions, I think everyone has something worthy to say.
d) Seeing as I want to be a diplomat, I'm very good at not arguing with people, and you know, consoling others. Oh Gods, this application makes me sound like a daughter of Aphrodite =S
e) Did I mention Freindly? Crumpets, I guess, intelligent? No, wise is more my thing. I'm like the wise woman of the west. I should really stop talking right now...
10. What do you think are your top five worst qualities?
a) I don't do subtle. I don't understand the concept. I'm a very straight up person.
b) Pretty LOUD!
c) May seem awfully arrogant.
d) I eat too much so may be away from my laptop whilst I eat. =/
e) I can't think of my flaws. That's a flaw right? Does that make me vain? Hhmm...
11. Who is your favourite character in the Percy Jackson series? Oh. I don't know. I suppose Nico because he's such a deep character and you really see him progress throughout the series. Erm, I also have a huge thing for Luke. I mean, he's *evil* but he has such a good side to him. He is like the ultimate character because there's so much humanity in him--and that's what makes him "evil" in the first place. Yes, Luke fangirl here.
12. Least favourite character? Piper. I really didn't like her. She was so clingy, and horrible to my darling Leo. And whingy. I really don't like her. She's just not a good character, there's barely any emotion and when there is she seems more like Jason's mother than his "girlfriend". Ew.
13. If you spend a day with one of the Percy Jackson characters who would it be? Apollo. I'm sorry, but he just seems so cool! I think he and I could sit around a camp fire with ukeleles or Ouds and sing a nice hillbilly song, and make up several haikus. And you know, I totally dig the teenage God look.
14. If you could change one thing about the series, what would it be? More input from the minor characters, which is why I want to do this role play. I honestly think that the Stoll twins and co. had so much to offer. Hopefully Rick Riordin will see that because they have so much potential!
15. What is one thing you would never change about the series? One thing I'd never change has to be Grover. He's perfect as he is!
16. Pick a fictional character from any book/movie/tv show/etc. Which cabin would you place them in and more importantly why? Oh. Well, The whole cast of Glee deserve to be Apollo because they're hot AND they're musical. <3
17. Which God do you feel a likeness to? Well, I feel a pull towards Apollo because I'm quite artistic and musical (plus I'm convinced I can see the future haha). But then, I think Hermes because I'm good at getting out of tight spots and passing messages, and simply being mischevious.
18. Age? Sixteen.
19. Location? England!!

=) Hope you like me!!

claimed: hermes, ! application

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