Visiting the Oracle's Cave

Dec 18, 2010 00:29

01. Name Rae
02. LJ Username artemisrae
03. How did you find out about the Percy Jackson series? A couple people on my flist from other fandoms had read them and liked them and they seemed like an easy quick read.
the oracle
04. What do you wish to accomplish in life? Right now I’m in school for one of the branches of radiology. My goal in life is to shoot large doses of radiation into people. So, you know, short term, pass my boards, long term, find a job and travel around a bit.
05. What type of magical object would you like to have? I would like a journal I could write in that no one else could read so that I could effectively write porn in class when I’m supposed to be taking notes without fear of someone reading over my shoulder.
06. What makes you like or dislike a person? I don’t like people who are uncooperative, especially when it’s in their best interest to listen to me. Little things, like how they treat strangers, make me like or dislike a person. In short, just try to be nice and I’ll like you? I’m not hard to get along with.
07. Are you a leader or a follower? I prefer to be a follower, because I like knowing what I’m doing and if I’m doing it right. I can be a leader if I feel confident in my abilities to perform whatever task people need a leader for.
08. What would you consider your fatal flaw? I’m terminally indecisive.
09. What do you think are your top five best qualities?
01. I’m good at comforting people, and making them feel at ease in stressful situations.
02. I have a pretty good sense of humor, and can usually make people laugh.
03. I’m really enthusiastic about the projects I undertake, and can encourage people similarly.
04. I’m usually pretty good at seeing more than one side of an issue.
05. I’m usually a quick study - I can pick up lessons and procedures pretty quickly when I’m being taught something.

10. What do you think are your top five worst qualities?
01. That thing where I’m really enthusiastic about projects? It’s really, really obvious when I’m not enthusiastic about something and don’t want to do it. So my poker face in that aspect kind of fails.
02. I really like being right. I can see more than one side to an issue, but once I decide where I fall I usually tend to decide that’s the right one.
03. Sometimes I’m straight up mean when I’m being sarcastic.
04. I’m not very good at being patient when I want something.
05. I can be really stubborn, and get frustrated easily when I sense that people are being willfully inefficient.

the series
11. Who is your favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? Annabeth Chase, no contest.
12. Who is your least favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? This wasn’t an easy question. Let’s go with a villain and say Ethan Nakamura even if he was redeemed or whatever.
13. If you could spend a day with one of the Percy Jackson characters, who would you choose and why? Rachel Dare, because we could hang out and make fun of people and it would be awesome.
14. What is something you would change about the series? I really wish we could see parts of the series in a POV other than Percy’s once in a while.
15. What is something you would never change about the series? I love the characters, and the growth they undertake through the series, particular Percy and Annabeth and their relationship.
16. Pick a fictional character from any book/movie/tv show/etc. Which cabin would you place them in and more importantly why? Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist is totally a daughter of Hephaestus. Because she’s smart and strong and builds mechanical limbs.
16.Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer. security - self-fulfillment - freedom - wealth - glory - power - beauty. My family didn’t have much money growing up, even though we do now; knowing that I’m going to have a secure job that will allow me to find self-fulfillment is kind of important for me to live comfortably.
17. Which god do you feel the least likeness towards? Ares. I don’t like confrontation.
half blood hill
18. Age: lower end of the 20’s.
19. Location: PA.

! application, claimed: apollo

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