Is that your staff Oracle sweety, or are you just happy to see me?

Feb 20, 2010 12:18

01. Name: Dylan
02. LJ Username monsieur_djinn
03. How did you find out about the Percy Jackson series? Well… I had the first book “forced” upon me by a very enthusiastic friend during exam period in Year 12 (towards the end of 2006). After much nagging on her part, and pleas of “No, I have to get a good score to become a Doctor!” from me… I finally read it, and subsequently became very annoyed at her, because studying went out the window and reading became an absolute must. From there obviously I became totally hooked, and have loved the series ever since… especially when I still got into Medicine :D
04. What do you wish to accomplish in life? I want to be Doctor. In particular, I want to work in the Trauma Unit, because gore does not bother me at all. I want to be able to help people, to give them hope, and to heal them? That sounds terribly clichéd… I was sick as a child, and I guess I just want to pay the Universe back for allowing me to live in this awesome world. In particular it would be awesome to work for Médecins Sans Frontières.
05. What type of magical object would you like to have?
THIS is a hard one. But I think it would be a TARDIS… I don’t know how magical that is… but being able to travel across the Universe, see the past and the future, would be cool. Also, none of that pesky driving and flying necessary.
06. What makes you like or dislike a person? Hmmm… I can occasionally be kind of a bitch, so I can dislike people pretty easily. Usually it’s because they’re close minded, or they try and make other people feel bad to make themselves feel better, or they hurt my friends. Other than that… I’m usually not too bad. I won’t hate someone just for the sake of it after all - indifference is far easier.
On the other hand, I’m also pretty quick to like people. Someone who is loyal, or who has a sense of the absurd, a good sense of humour, or who is just downright bitchin’ will always get my vote of approval.
07. Are you a leader or a follower? I am a leader. I mean yes, I can follow if it is necessary. But I like being in control, it freaks me out a little bit if I’m not. Also, I have to respect someone and their views before I will follow them, otherwise Napoleon does not take too kindly to Alba.
08. What would you consider your fatal flaw? Men. I would totally be the one charmed by the pretty hero/villain and then killed, maybe… idk. First thing that popped into my head.
09. What do you think are your top five best qualities?
01. Intelligent
02. Outspoken
03. Open-minded
04. Humorous
05. Loyal

10. What do you think are your top five worst qualities?
|01. Competitive
02. Cocky
03. Merciless to those who cross me
04. Not afraid to offend
05. Occasionally bitchy

11. Who is your favorite character in the Percy Jackson series?
Percy. Because… he is totally strong, and awesome, and incredibly loyal, and I totally dig that in a person… character.
12. Who is your least favorite character in the Percy Jackson series?
I kind of started to dislike Annabeth a bit towards the end… she just started to annoy me with her bitchiness and what have you. It’s like ummm, hey, back off people have lives outside of you Daughter of Athena, CHILL OUT.
13. If you could spend a day with one of the Percy Jackson characters, who would you choose and why?
Hmmm… I think it would have to be Percy again. Because it would be awesome to swim with him…
14. What is something you would change about the series?
I know this one’s popular, but the ages. By the Gods, THE AGES! One of the few things the movie did well was the age change, 12 year olds just wouldn’t react that way to the events that are coming at them.
15. What is something you would never change about the series?
I have to pick one thing? Nooooo! I love so much about the series, there are so many magical moments. But I guess, I wouldn’t change the ending. Because, for better or worse, it worked.
16. Which god do you feel the least likeness towards?
Gods, who knows? Maybe Poseidon? I like the water, and the ability to control it would be kinda cool. But yes, no idea, I leave that to The Oracle to decide.
17. Age: Nearly 21 :D

claimed: hermes, ! application

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