01. Name Alice
02. LJ Username alice_OwO
03. How did you find out about the Percy Jackson series? My mum was looking at books to buy for me on Amazon and she came across the series. I'd always loved Harry Potter and a lot of the reviews were saying that it was just as awesome as the books. When I started reading them this year I instantly fell in love and managed to finish all five books in 2-3 weeks despite that I still had school. <33
the oracle
04. What do you wish to accomplish in life? The fact that there's only one chance of life really makes me want to go for it. :D My dream job would be a veterinarian because I've always loved animals and I wanted to be one (a vet not an animal LOL) since I was five years old. I also want to learn lots of different languages and travel around the world. I want to read as many books as I can, learn as much as I can (in the non-nerdy way? XD) and hopefully raise a family.
05. What type of magical object would you like to have? I've always wanted to be able to fly and make other things fly. I like control, so I'd love to be able to just blink and be able to make something smash into a window. I don't know if there a magical object in Percy Jackson like this...but I suppose it sort of relates to those winged shoes that Luke gave Percy...but I want ones that aren't cursed.
06. What makes you like or dislike a person? I love people who are caring and friendly. People who are always ready to listen to you but also have an awesome time with you. Witty people are also awesome, but as long as they don't take pleasure in mocking others.
I hate hypocrites. IDK, they just get me so angry when they tell you not to do something and then do it behind your back. It gives me rage. ): I also hate the usual backstabbing, lying, gossiping behind your back, etc.
07. Are you a leader or a follower? I've always thought myself to be a leader. I try and do my own thing, and though I like it if I end up doing the same thing as my friends, I try and make my own choices. I think of myself as independent and supportive, so I guess I'm a bit of a leader. :D
08. What would you consider your fatal flaw? I'm a real control freak. I like to be able to manage things on my own and I sometimes get annoyed it I have to rely on others who don't keep their end of the bargain. With a lot of things, I prefer to be doing it myself.
09. What do you think are your top five best qualities? 01. Intelligent. I am smart and I enjoy being smart and learning more things.
02. Funny. I'm really enjoy having fun and laughing. XD
03. Independent. I don't tend to do what other people do, I try and follow my own course and trust myself. 04. Imaginative. My brain is always whirling about haha.
05. Loyal. I'm very loyal to my friends and family and if someone hurts them I'm gonna kick butt.
10. What do you think are your top five worst qualities? 01. Procrastination. I have the problem where I just can't be bothered doing things. D:
02. Competitiveness. I tend to always get a bit competitive with people and I like to be the best.
03. I worry about my appearance a lot when I know that I shouldn't be so concerned about it.
04. Clumsy. I am always a bit clumsy and my mum always says I have no common sense.
05. I have a bit of temper and I can have outbursts where I get really angry at someone but then an hour or two later I'm over it. *sigh*
the series
11. Who is your favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? I love Nico di Angelo. I love how his character develops from being a little kid, then to a conflicted boy who's pissed, to an awesome bad ass hot guy. (well I think he was hot anyway! XD). His powers are totally cool and I love his determination. He's a really awesome character.
12. Who is your least favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? Biana di Angelo. Idek, but she made me really annoyed. I don't like how she just ditched her brother to join the Huntresses of Artemis and then, after Percy told everyone NOT TO STEAL ANYTHING, she goes ahead and does it. I think she should have learnt to listen and not to do such irrational things without talking to people. I didn't like her.
13. If you could spend a day with one of the Percy Jackson characters, who would you choose and why? Nico because he is hot. To be honest, I would probably hang out with Mrs. O'Leary. I mean, she is AWESOME. A giant Hellhound who is totally adorable and the best dog ever. I could take her for walks and freak out people, it'd be hilarious.
14. What is something you would change about the series? I wish Charles Beckendorf hadn't died. He was a really cool character and I hated how things twisted to such a way that made it Silena's fault he died. I mean, I felt the angst there but I just thought it was too horrible. They loved each other and the way things turned out was just....cruel. *sigh*
15. What is something you would never change about the series? Percy. He is such an awesome character and I loved him so much. The story was so addicting because it was read through his eyes and he had a really great personality that described the story well. I really enjoyed that part of the books.
16. Pick a fictional character from any book/movie/tv show/etc.
Which cabin would you place them in and more importantly why? Tony Dinozzo from NCIS would definitely go into the Apollo cabin. He is charming and sexy (just like Apollo was, well at least what he thought he was!) and he's has an ego. ;) Yet, Tony is capable of being serious if situations get really bad, just like Apollo when his sister was captured. Tony doesn't say really bad haikus...but he always goes on about random movies, so I guess that would be a factor? Yeah, I think he would definitely go in that cabin.
16.Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer.
Freedom, self-fulfillment, security, beauty, wealth, power, glory. Freedom because without it, life will always be constrained and we will never be able to do what we want and when we want. A life without freedom is almost not worth living, because we are always forced to submit to those who control us and we can never be who we really are.
Self-fulfillment is second because I believe it is important to be who you truly are and live a fulfilled life. I think that we should do what we want and be happy with who we are the choices we make.
Next is security, because I think it makes life a lot less stressful if we don't have to think about the fact that we're sleeping with a knife at our throat or always having to be scared that we could die as soon as we walk out the door. I think security is very important to live a carefree and stress-free life.
Beauty, because I think every girl worries about their appearance and I think that being beautiful may not be a vital thing, but it sure is nice. Respecting your body as much as you respect your mind is important, as I think that beauty should be a value (though it should never be the strong value) to keep ourselves healthy and proud.
Wealth, because without money it is very difficult to be who we are because of the restrictions in society. I don't want to be immensely or ridiculously wealthy (and if I did receive a hell of a lot of cash, I'd rather donate it to a charity that needs it) but I still think its important to be able to have some sort of income to pick ourselves off the street.
Power and glory come last because I do not find these values to be very important. Power generally causes people to be under your control and this causes them to not have the freedom that they may deserve, and I think it is wrong. I may be a bit of a control-freak but I don't like to have power and be controlling people or other things. It's more that I want to be able to manage what I'm doing myself. Glory is because I do not want to be famous or have my name remembered by people who I don't even know. I think the most important thing is to be remembered by people who cared about you and who you thought was important instead of people you hardly know. That's my belief anyway.
17. Which god do you feel the least likeness towards? Probably Ares...he always tries to cause conflict and trouble and that really annoys me. I try and avoid trouble, conflict and outright war if I can help it and I hate situations of conflict (particularly between friends) because its just so stressful.
half blood hill
18. Age: 16
19. Location: Australia