Yo, Oracle, it's me! Y'know, the obsessive one.

Jun 26, 2010 23:02

01. Name: Alix
02. LJ Username:  avid_reader1029
03. How did you find out about the Percy Jackson series?: I bought the first book at a book fair at school back just after the second book came out. I then proceeded to finish it in 3 days and recommend it to my Latin teacher. From then, I've been hooked, trying to get all of my friends to read it and buying all of the books not more than a week after they were released.
the oracle
04. What do you wish to accomplish in life?: I've wanted to be an author since I was old enough to read. I can't help it; I love writing so much that it used to freak my friends out.
05. What type of magical object would you like to have?: I'm pretty sure I'd kill to get my hands on daedalus' laptop, but that's not so much a magical item as a priceless artifact, so I'd say probably Annabeth's video shield.
06. What makes you like or dislike a person?: I hate when people are unjustly superior to other people, and people who make judgments without knowing somebody's whole situation. Also, I despise hypocrites.
07. Are you a leader or a follower?: I have kind of leaderish personality, and I sometimes feel a need to boss people around, but ever since a, traumatic would be the best way to put it without going into detail, event last year, I've been more quiet and introverted. So I'd say that I'm a reluctant follower, as long as whomever I'm following can actually convince me to follow them.
08. What would you consider your fatal flaw?: Um, I'd say Hubris. Probably. Maybe. It's kind of hard to explain; I have a general, all-encompassing self-loathing, but at the same time there's some part of me that thinks it's better than anyone else. I do my best to squash this part of myself into the deepest recesses of my mind.
09. What do you think are your top five best qualities?:

01. Compassionate - I'm pretty sensitive to other people's situations, and because of a lot of crap that I've dealt with these past few years, I'm pretty good at understanding what people in distress want/need to hear.
      02. Funny - I'm pretty funny, I guess, in a dry, sarcastic kind of way. Luckily, my friends are the kind of people that appreciate that kind of humor.
      03. Smart - I'd say I'm pretty smart; I do go to the high school that got ranked in the top 50 high schools in the United States for 2010.
      04. Loyal - I generally have a hard time making friends, but once I am friends with someone, I pretty much find it impossible to betray them.
      05. Determined - I'm not the best at sticking to plans, but if I really need to get something done, I can sit and focus on it until I finish.
10. What do you think are your top five worst qualities?:

01. Temperamental - I am very easily angered/frustrated by things.
      02. Introverted - I might actually spend all my time locked in my room if left to my own devices (although I'm trying to get over that, honestly)
      03. Stubborn - Even when I know I've been proven wrong, I still usually refuse to give up.
      04. Oversensitive - I've always cared too much about what other people think, and as a result, I'm over-reliant on positive reinforcement.
      05.  Disillusioned - I have a lot of trouble putting faith/trust into anybody, as nearly everyone I've ever trusted has abandoned me one way or another.
the series
11. Who is your favorite character in the Percy Jackson series?: That's a toughie... it depends on which book, but I'd say either Annabeth or Thalia. I'd say Percy, but that's kind of a given, and it'd probably be cheating if the PJO fandom had a rulebook.
12. Who is your least favorite character in the Percy Jackson series?: Gah, that's a good one. I'd say either Luke--because no matter how hot he is, or how much people like to use him in fanfics and give him a real soul and blah blah blah, he's still an asshole who betrayed everyone over and over again--or strictly TLO Rachel. Rachel was cool in BotL, and is generally one of my favorite characters, but come on, she was such a bitch in TLO. I just kind of wanted to give her a good punch. Or two.
13. If you could spend a day with one of the Percy Jackson characters, who would you choose and why?: Um, Apollo, because, hello, epically gorgeous car that drives the freaking sun. It does not get better than that, and I will not believe anyone who says otherwise.
14. What is something you would change about the series?: I'd include more about the year between BotL and TLO, we really don't get much about what his relationship with Annabeth was like during that year, and I'd like to see more of the development of the friendship between Rachel and Percy. And I'd definitely have Rachel explain herself to Percy more fully in TLO, because the way RR wrote it, no offense to the awesomeness that is the creator of PJO, makes her seem like she used him and then dropped him when it was convenient.
15. What is something you would never change about the series?: Um, like, everything? I don't know. I guess if there was only one thing I'd keep, it'd be the sarcastic/dry comments. For the love of the gods, please don't take away my favorite source of sarcastic humor.
16. Pick a fictional character from any book/movie/tv show/etc. Which cabin would you place them in and more importantly why?: Hah, I'm going to be a ridiculous cheater/lame person, and choose Sasuke, because um, hello, Sasuke. (No, I am not a sasu-chan fangirl, honestly he's one of my least favorite Naruto characters, but he's too easy to sort). He's ridiculously easy to place as a son of Nemesis, because he's literally spent his entire life since he was 8 to revenge. He's like a more selfish Ethan Nakamura, with epic ninja powers.
16.Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer: freedom, security, self-fulfillment, power, wealth, beauty, glory. Freedom to do what I want, security to ensure that I don't lose my freedom, self-fulfillment after nobody's stopping me, power that comes from whatever it is that is fulfilling myself, wealth that comes from said power, beauty that can be bought with that wealth, glory for having all of the above.
17. Which god do you feel the least likeness towards?: Dionysus.
half blood hill
18. Age: 18
18. Location: New York, USA

! application, claimed: persephone

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