Title: Broken Hearts and Silver Tears Ch14
Pairing: Demi/Selena
Rating: M for language, violence, kissing, or maybe nothing at all. Again, being safe.
Summary: How Demi would carry on if the whole Selena/Nick rumor was true.
A/N: Okay so here is Chapter 14. So I know Nick was a little bit out of character in the last chapter...okay maybe a lot. I
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The whole Superman/Supergirl exchange is adorable, and their decision to tell their parents seems bittersweet because it probably won't end well. I love what Selena tells her, that she's ready to tell them that she's in love with this amazing girl they've always known, but never really have, if that makes sense. I loved the imagery of their hands over their hearts, and Demi's honesty that just because she was ready didn't mean she wasn't afraid just rang so true. The ending is perfect, because after that admission, there's nothing they can't get through. Great job.
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