Ataru. Review

Jul 17, 2012 21:04


Yesterday I finished watching Japanese drama Ataru …It’s hard to imagine that 3 months could pass so quickly…It’s so sad to say goodbye to all these characters, this great story…I think, there will be the re-watching, soon or some months later.

I decided to write this review a long time ago, but yesterday I thought at last moment, should I write it or not.. And today, my final decision was to write it, because this drama is special for me, it’s important for me, and don’t matter, will someone read this review or not, first of all, it should be important for me, not for someone else.

But, I’m ready to talk with all people who also found this drama interesting, have the same(or opposite) thoughts, or just to talk ^^


In the beginning of my review, I must write some intro. One April day I went with my university friend(who also watch dramas) home, and I said something like Tamamori Yuta (my only love…) should star of take part in some new drama, because there was his last small role in 1-2 episodes of Ending Planner, he made his job perfectly, but, 3 months passed, roles, no views. And, at the same time, I said, that I’m interested in watching some drama with Nakai Masahiro.. Because at that moment I watched only some subbed episodes of his show, Coming Soon too, and saw him in some shows as a host. And then, it was a fate…really fate…[sometimes I can predict some things…surprisingly…] Right the next day, I read the news on tumblr, that they will both act in the drama Ataru, and Tama will play medical student…I was really-really happy, was looking forward to this ongoing!

Special features of story

Ataru is the detective story, but not typical… People involved in cases have some special abilities\disabilities\genius abilities…Or some sort of illness.. It’s very important because Chokozai-kun also have such abilities.. And through that people Maiko and Sawa Shunin understood how they should treat Chokozai-kun, how he suffers from his abilities.. In each case, main characters ask themselves:  ”Is it an ability?” or “Is it a disability?”, “Is it helpful?” or “Is it helpless?”, such things…And they try to help people who suffers from such abilities.. Chokozai too.. but.. he is the very special character..

I also should say that these abilities in Ataru are very special, it’s very interesting to know some information.. And, there are also some medical terms that should be googled, too XD Because I’m not a doctor and hear some titles for the first time ^_^


Many thanks to Shin Kono who gave us so beautiful soundtrack!!! I think that tango tunes really do for drama, especially for Chokozai-kun. As my friend prompted, it is similar to Piazzolla’s tango, and when I had read some information, I found that It was true. That there are some Piazzolla’s tango tunes in Ataru. But also something own. And tango is not the whole of the soundtrack. There are also interesting electronical tracks & piano… I fall in love with tracks “Save me”, “Atary’s Ballade”..And, there are also some soundtracks in every drama, that are not included in OST, there are such tracks in Ataru, too ^^ I heard one beautiful piano melody in last episode….When Chokozai fall asleep…

Music makes the atmosphere of every scene. When there is a conversation between one pair of people, but then suddenly other person appear, the music\sound changes… All tracks which concern Chokozai are pretty.^^ There are also some mysterious tracks…Sad….all kind of emotions… And I burst into tears  almost every time I’m listening some tracks.. or watching some scenes..


This drama has its own special atmosphere. Like it is the other world, the world of Ataru. Drama leaves kind, warm impression, because the atmosphere is very friendly. Chokozai-kun is like a child, Sho and Maiko,their father, Sawa, Larry and care for him like for a child.

I should say about atmosphere in Ebina’s family - it’s also very warm and friendly.  I must emphasize one fact that I love in dramas.  It’s very rare and so that very nice and pretty. When…how should I say?...when atmosphere is like it’s not a movie, like it’s real life, people are eating, talking or something like that. When in some moments scopes between real world and drama are extremely blured. First time I saw it in Korean drama “Cat on the roof”, when main characters had ate in long takes, camera didn’t move and stop at all…And, at the end, they went to be, woke up and ate once more…It was possible, really possible to count how much days they lived in drama.. In that drama was really home atmosphere, usual atmosphere, like in real life. And, I can’t remember at the moment other drama, only “Cat” and Ataru…Atmosphere in Ataru is similar to “Cat on the roof”. Characters are eating in every episode.

There are also some moments, really home, usual moments, which remind of real life. Every episode, absolutely every episode someone readjusts Maiko’s father’s collar. Usually it’s Sho, in one episode all were busy, and father was so sad that he had to do it by his own ^^ In last episode Chokozai-kun did it, yeeeeeeeeey ^_^ When I first watched it in 1 episode, I understood, that I love this drama ^_^ such atmosphere…in very warm and charming..


The really cute feature of Ataru drama is that all characters, no matter- main or not, have their own specifics, their own temper, their own habits and behavior… Culprits have different tempers, victims have different tempers, other people included in cases have their own tempers - so good! Everybody in police has his own habits ^^:

Atsumi Reiji: He has a large family(at the end of the drama - 7 children XD),he always don’t give case thing’s to Sawa of others immediately, always tears it out from hands, let it be a paper or something else ^_^ and, he is a little crazy(with sooo many children XD). His wife is going to kill him XD

Nakatsugawa Youji, boooss: don’t like Maiko digging discarded mountains, at all. Quiet police boss, not bad..

Nozaki Hasuo: simply malicious, but nod bad ^^

Matsushima Kouki: …My God!...XD His only love is Ebina Maiko, he loves her since she was a model in police…but she doesn’t like him AT ALL XD so cruel, but I agree with her-he is mad XD

Ishikawa Yui: I think she may have some feelings to Sawa Shunin XD…and, she is a bit tsundere - she do things at work only when someone will ask her politely, especially Sawa. When you ask her “DO SOMETHING!”, no matter, is it quickly or not, it’s too rude for her ^_^

And, of course, main characters have their own unique habits and tempers, so that they are main ^_^:

Chokozai-kun (Nakai Masahiro)

Unreally pretty savant…^_^ His “Ne ne” or “Curry soup kudasai” or “Hotto dog[or something other] arimasen” is really something!!! Nakai did a great job…Recently I watched Kisumai Dokkiri with him and become a bit mad because of him, but…he is great!! Really great…

His habits:

-watches Swimming Pool Detective Nancy regularly(…some kind of Larry’s work…)

-you should say information 3 times and it will be updated(IF CHOKOZAI WANTS!XD)…

-2 main dishes - mustard and ketchup

-always has his mouse with him

-loves flowers[hana] very much(especially white lilies)

-likes to soil one’s clothes\things\even evidences by his mustard\ketchup\ hot dog ^_^

If you didn’t watch Ataru yet, you should do it, just because of Chokozai-kun!♥

Sawa Shunin(Kitamura Kazuki)

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeey…. Mister, you are beautiful!!!...I sooooooooo much love Kazuki in this role XD…Great job…


-he GRUNTS when he laughs XDDDDDDDDDDD(I laughed out loud when heard this for the first time)

-he likes himself, wears pajamas with his face and looks at mirror as frequently as possible! His great invention is the mirror in the table’s drawer XD…I should make something like that at home XD

-because of previous habit, he often touches his hair^^

Maiko Ebina (Kuriyama Chiaki)

Good girl….I see this actress for the first time, but the made a good job, too.


-LIKES CORO-CORO CROQUETS! Can’t live without them, doesn’t like other croquets!


Awww….I could talk about this [character] guy eternally, but in this review it’s improper to do this ^_^
Sho is a medical student. Because Sho and Maiko’s mother died, they have do housework. No…He has.. He buys food, he cooks. Maiko is helpless XD Pretty guy…I name him “the main decoration of drama”, really XD without him all is good, but with him all is even better …His beauty is immeasurable, he looks good everywhere, and his acting skills are getting better and better.


I didn’t know until the end and don’t know at the moment, is Larry a good or a bad character, really. Because, he input soooooo much information into Ataru and wanted him to work in FBI. Ataru’s life became harder…But, I think, that Larry is not a really bad guy, he treated Ataru how he can.. but why he put Inukai under hypnosis, I don’t know even now XD…so cute XD…yey

I love the whole cast, I know,I’m Tama-biased, but…I love all - Choko-kun, Sawa, Maiko…Police workers…All made a great job! Thank you!


I think, last 2 episodes are the most interesting, intense and also strong…Because it’s drama climax…Most complicated cases, many people involved in them, also there arrive Ataru’s parents.And, of course, last case is the most important because It’s about Sho and Maiko’s mother death, 15-year discarded mountain.. All last episode I cried like mad - because it’s so sad and also so good..and also it’s the ending of drama - sad again XD but smiling, crying and smiling at the same time ^_^

Rain man vs Ataru

During the watch of Ataru, I decided to watch Rain Man - American famous movie about person who suffers from Savant Syndrome. And, my verdict is…that Ataru is much better! In some places there is information that Ataru is like Rain Man..but…The only one thing that is common it’s…that main characters are Savant’s, nothing else… the stories are different..And… American “f*cking” English of Cruise completely killed me, really! Second half is nice, because the character of Cruise became patient and stopped using his “f*cking English”.. And, no matter, that the story is good.. I don’t this sort of things. If there was no f*cking English, the movie could be better, much better! But now, my impression is like this, and I don’t want to watch Rain Man again. But Dustin Hoffman made a great job. Yes, he did.

Instead of the conclusion

Many thanks to all staff who worked in Ataru, you made really good, warm drama. Drama with its own world, people, atmosphere. Good actors, good characters, good music, good story, good atmosphere - these are the reasons to watch it, from my point of view!

That’s all! Thank you for reading!

p.s. Mission accomplished ^_^

nakai masahiro, ataru, tamamori yuta

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