(Ouran) - .:The M Word:. .:Chapter One:.

Oct 21, 2009 13:11

Title: The M Word
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Humor, (soap-opera style) Drama, MAJOR AU
Pairings or Characters: Forced!KyouKao, TamaHaru, various others
Warnings: Sexuality, pregnancy jokes, crude humor
Summary: In order to save her business, Hitachiin Yuzuha must step up to the plate, and thus force he youngest to step up to the alter. With one, Ootori Kyouya. Only problem with that? She.. kinda-told-everyone-that-Kaoru-was-a-girl...Ah, parents.
Author's Notes: Ahahahaha....Well...I must say - just enjoy. The KyouKao comes a bit later.
Previous Chapters: Prologue

Chapter One:
My Lesbian Little Sister

Some high class brat in a satin dress and hair too big for her body had been kicking the back of his chair repeatedly for the last three hours, and by now, Kaoru had had just about enough and was ready to turn around and break the child's nose. But...that wasn't lady-like. Sulking and begging for a distraction, he nudged his elbow none-too-gently into his sleeping twin's side. Hikaru jumped, pulling off his sleeping mask and looking riled.

"Wha-what is it, Kao?"

"I don't want to be the girl. You do it."

The older twin yawned, but then grinned. Aw, c'mon. It can't be that bad. I mean, from what I hear, the Ootori men are rarely ever home, have little to no interest in their wives and, also, remember that it's you that's allowing Mother to keep her job, and that means we get to be heirs to a multi-million dollar fashion company."

This seemed to do nothing to improve Kaoru's mood, and he sighed exaggeratedly, rolling his eyes. "And what happens if I absolutely hate him?"

Hikaru shrugged. "Have an affair? You can become a lesbian!" And here, he broke into enthuthiastic chuckles that were not shared by his younger counterpart.

"Do you think I could get a divorce?"

"Dunno. Maybe in a year or two."

"A year?!" Kaoru squawked indignantly. "How am I supposed to fake being a girl for a whole year!? What if he walks in on me changing, or wants to - to consummate or have children? I'm missing some vital bits."

"Oh, but you make up for it quite nicely - ow! OW!! Quit hitting!!" Hikaru brought his arms up to ward off Kaoru;s blows, still snickering. "I was only joking. God, you do act like a girl!"

"Shut up! Take it back!" The child behind them had stopped kicking the airplane seat and seemed to be listening intently.

The Hitachiin twins fell into an uneasy silence, both tapping their fingernails against the plastic armrest between them. Neither, really, were looking forward to what was waiting for them in Japan; a home that held little to no memories, a marriage that would be comprised solely of lies and the cut throat world of beauty and fashion. Thoughts, scenarios, ideas and all possible consequences ran through their minds and (in unison) both twins shivered.

"..I'll help you if I can, Kaoru," Hikaru offered, looking at his brother from under his haphazard fringe. "I'll play the part of ;protective big brother to a little sister', and I'll do whatever you need, okay?"

A faint, half-smile. "Thanks, Hika..."


Twenty-one-year-old Ootori Kyouya returned home early from a solo business trip four days after the marriage pact had been made, only to be called into his father’s office. Fuyumi seemed interested, and attempted to sneak around for more information, only to be thwarted by her expansive pregnancy weight.

The office was much like it had when Hitachiin Yuzuha had visited, only the Ootori patriarch was standing, his back to the door and seemingly inspecting his own collection of books. Kyouya coughed to announce his presence, and then continued to stand when Yoshio did not bay him sit. The seconds ticked on, both silent and in deep thought before the older man motioned toward the desk and a photograph. “Your future wife.”

Kyouya raised an eyebrow and moved to pick up the picture of a young man and a woman and inspected it. Many thoughts flew through his head, but when the young man opened his mouth, it was only for the words “When is the wedding?” to come out.

Yoshio turned from his books. “In a months time. You’ll meet Hitachiin Kaoru in about three days. Brush up on your French; the two Hitachiin children were raised there.”

“Hitachiin? I thought you bought that company.”

The salt-and-pepper haired man adjusted his glasses and nodded. “I did, but then HItachiin Yuzuha brought about this prospective solution for her problems, and the possibility to expand our business with a line of hypoallergenic - and yet fashionable clothing - and still retain financially prowess from that sector.”

Kyouya nodded, stood, bowed respectfully and left the large study to dig out his old French books and brush p on that romance language.


“Maman!!” Hikaru hollered, slamming the front door to the Hitachiin manor with his foot and dropping the heavy suitcase he held on the ground. Kaoru followed suit, shouting, “Moooooooom!”

There was silence for a few moments, maids flitting around and staring. Some of them hadn’t seen the twins in eleven years, some had never seen them at all. And then the sound of another door slamming echoed in the distance, and the thumps of high-heeled shoes pattered down the hallway, becoming louder and louder until HItachiin Yuzuha had stormed down the grand staircase and all but throw herself at the boys.

“Oh, Hikaru! You’ve gotten so big!! And , oh, my little Kaoru-” she kissed both his cheeks wetly, leaving large lipstick marks on either side of his face “-You’re so pretty!”

This was uncalled for - not to mention she'd turned to the wrong twin to greet the other - and both twins struggled. “Mom!” “Ger-off! We can’t breathe!”

Yuzuha released them from her death-grip, but held the two at arms length, gazing from face to identical face. “Oh, boys, you have no idea how happy I am to see you here! I was beginning to worry that the driver wouldn’t remember what you looked like!” Her voice faltered a bit, but no one made any mention of this noticeable squeak.

“Well, we’re here now, Mom,” Hikaru offered, purposefully not mentioning all the summers she had flown them out for photos, and smiling as he successfully pulled himself from her grasp.

“Would you two like dinner?”

Kaoru yawned. “Ahh - no thanks. We’re really tired. Do you think we could, you know, sleep? In our old room?”

Yuzuha seemed perplexed. “Ah...I don’t think your old  beds would fit you anymore. You were rather small when you were eight, and I have the guest rooms all made up. Are you sure you’d rather sleep in there?”

In perfect synchronization, the red headed boys shrugged and replied, “Our room has more memories.”

“Ah, well,” she faltered, but then smiled. “Alright, boys! Sleep tight; I’ll wake you up for breakfast tomorrow.” SHe departed, and lugging their suitcases behind them, Hikaru and Kaoru began to climb the stairs, and upon reaching the top, turned left, counted four doors and stopped outside their old bedroom.

The room was neat. Clean. Tidy. Not how they had left it; not that the two had expected it to be exactly the same - just sort of hoped. It was obvious that two people full-grown were not going to fit in the tiny, child beds, even if the two were pushed mattress to mattress so the twins dragged blankets, stuffed animals, pillows and beanbags out of their old closet and nested in the middle of the floor. It was uncomfortable, not what they were used to at home (plushy pillow-tops and down comforters) but it didn’t matter - embracing each other closely and breathing lightly on each other’s faces, the two fell into  deep, slightly jet-lagged sleep.

The last thought that flitted through Hitachiin Kaoru’s head before it retired to lethargy was how incredibly comfortable and warm it was here with his twin, and wonder if he would ever manage anything remotely similar with the person he’d have to lie to for a year at minimum; his future ‘husband’.

{pairing}kyoukao, {fandom}ouran, {fic}the m word, {genra}fanfiction, {genra}yaoi

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