AMV: MEP - KuroFai - Be My Escape

Oct 07, 2009 20:14

 Alright! I come bearing another AMV! Whoot! This one's for a MEP (multi-editor-project) on Youtube! It is, honestly, one of the first times I've ever done something like this - not something short, just something that's part of a group effort in the end - and I'm quite pleased with the results...

And so, without further ado, I bring you this!!

Title: MEP - Kuro Fai - Be My Escape
Audio: Be My Escape by Relient K
Fandom: TRC
Programme: iMovie and iMove HD for effects touch up
Pairing: KuroFai
Length: 51 seconds
Disclaimer: I do not own the anime clips nor the audio, although I did hear that CLAMP's decided that KuroFai's canon, so if that's true, I don't think they'd mind me using it this way.

image Click to view

{fandom}tsubasa, {pairing}kurofai, {genra}amv

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