Rant: Seme's vs Uke's

Sep 01, 2009 15:43

 Just a thought based of various fandoms (xxxHoLic, Tsubasa, Ouran High School Host Club, FMA)...

Uke’s Vs Seme’s - Or - ‘Why The Titles Are Interchangeable’

Well, most yaoi fangirls and the like are obsessive about set pairings, and within those pairings, they are set on one relationship position. Yes, that position. The uke and the seme. But my point is that they, no matter who or where or attitude, are interchangeable. Yes! I just went there! Seme’s can receive and uke’s can be in control, and in the following paragraphs, I shall explain just that, as well as other key aspects of yaoi-sexual relationships.

Now, let’s define ‘uke’ and ‘seme’:

Uke - Submissive, usually girly and able to blush on command (AKA a LOT!). Usually, they have lighter colored hair, pale, heart-shaped faces, really big eyes, a thin waist and a sense of awareness that our darling seme’s tend to lack. This also leads for uke’s to be more intellectual and educated, as well as in-tune with their own feelings. Sadly, however, that also leads to uke’s pining over their stupid seme’s that think they are straight.

Seme - Dominant, usually tall with really thick shoulders and more reluctant to show facial expressions or emotions. Seme’s are the very embodiment of assertive and manly, with dark hair and tanned skin with sharp faces and smaller eyes, but what they have in testosterone, they lack in social skills. Most seme’s are rather idiotic (there are exceptions) and don’t realize their feelings until their life partner/soul mate uke make them realize their attractions.

There, now that the definitions are set, I can elaborate.

So, as  was saying, uke’s are smart and seme’s dumb (in laymen’s terms) which gives said uke’s an advantage. See, most people rationalize the uke/seme positions as who’s in control during sexual activities, but the way I see it, if uke’s are more smart, they will most likely be more manipulative, better able to play their seme’s strings to get them to do what they want. And since a majority of fandom-ized seme’s become even stupider when in heat, perhaps a subtle and incredibly erotic moan from their cohort would reduce them to a blubbering pile of mush and adorable, seldom seen love-love (this is probably how select uke’s ever hear that 1-4-3 phrase)!

This brings up the subject of blow-jobs. In most heterosexual relationships, it is often the girl giving the guy head (unless there are, like, special circumstances) and most uke’s are the girly one’s right? So, process of illumination leads me to believe that they’re the all-too-eager to get on their knees crowd which leaves them in control, since it is the other experiencing a mind-blowing orgasm which makes them see stars. Am I right? (Crowd: YES!)

When it comes to most pairings (let’s use Hikaru and Kaoru for an example) I just do not buy the fact that Kaoru would be reduced to a completely inept receiver as most fan fictions display. People seem to forget that BOTH the Hitachiin twins are troublemakers, if not Kaoru more so (remember the manipulation he put Hikaru and Haruhi through at the amusement park?!?) which makes it both unorthodox and rather out of character for him to be ‘I-want-you’ or ‘I-need-you’ when it much better suits his personality to be ‘I-know-how-to-get-you’.

However, uke’s are uke’s and seme’s are seme’s when it comes to cute (with certain exceptions, i.e. KyouxTama, KuroxFai, EdxAl, DomexWata, KyouKao, HanixMori, etc) and - again exploiting the fact that uke’s are more intellectual - the submissive is usually more thoughtful when it comes to the other person’s feelings. Not to say that our wondrous seme’s are not caring and sweet from time to time, they are just less capable of showing these affections! The only time you run into problems with this logic is when you have an uke-oriented seme (let’s say Hikaru) and a seme-oriented uke (TAMAKI!!! <3) which leads to interesting encounters.

Now, I hope that I did not sound like a broken record or anything similar, nor did it come off as if  was trying to preach about which character is seme and which is uke. The entire purpose was simply to display that both titles are, indeed, interchangeable.

{genra}random, {fandom}ouran, {genra}yaoi

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