Ouran Adult RPG

Apr 29, 2009 17:44

Hey, people! This is the sister site for an Ouran RPG board I've belonged to for almost a year. It's the BIG SISTER board, and....well, to be frank, we need members. A lot! Like...A LOT! Some main people, too! <3 and you would be forever loved if you joined! The 'only-people-who-belonged-to-the-little-sister-site' thing no longer applies!

ENCOURAGMENT! You're a great writer? You're an okay writer? Hell, as long as 'u dun tlk liek tis' and type with periods, paragraph breaks and quotation marks, you're over qualified! We swear, we talk about sex, we have random dance parties to songs like Date Rape and Panty Shot, and we role play! (OCs are also allowed! Come join our family!)

Please join us! *shot*


{fandom}ouran, {other}rpg

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