(no subject)

Dec 28, 2006 16:02

1. How old will you be in five years? almost 22.

2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today? loren.

3. How tall are you? 5'3

4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks? uh...my birthday!

5. What's the last movie you saw? i don't even know.

6. Who was the last person you called? brock, but he wasn't home.

7. Who was the last person to call you? mmm i'm going to say nanay last night.

8. What was the last text message you receiveved?

9. Who was the last person to leave you a voicemail?

10. Do you prefer to call or text? text. that way if they don't have their phone they'll get it later.

11. What were you doing at 12am last night? deffinately playing guitar hero

12. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? divorced

13. When is the last time you saw your mom? klast night.

14. What color are your eyes? greeny blueish i guess...

15. What time did you wake up today?10:30 ish.

16. What are you wearing right now? shorts and a t-shirt.

17. What is your favorite christmas song? baby it's cold outside.

18. Where is your favorite place to be? in the car.

19. Where is your least favorite place to be? belleville...nicholson

20. Where would you go if you could go anywhere? austraila

21. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years? still in school.

22. Do you tan or burn? tan

23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? i don't think i was scared of much as a kid...

24. What was the last thing that really made you laugh? i laughed a lot last night.

25. How many TVs do you have in your house? uno

26. How big is your bed? queen

27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer? Desktop

28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on? mostly just underwear and a tank top, sometimes sweats.

29. What color are your sheets? red, black, and gold.

30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 1, but I have 2 on my bed.

31. What is your favorite season? fall, winter, summer, spring. in that order.

32. What do you like about fall? crispy leaves

33. What do you like about winter? SNOWBOARDING<3

34. What do you like about the summer? no school, beach, swimming, drinking.

35. What do you like about spring? i don't like spring...haha

37. What cities/towns have you lived in?vancouver, grafton, cobourg, porthope, whitby, oshawa, toronto, orono, belleville...yea...

38. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? socks

40. What was the last thing you ate? special k

41. What is your favorite restaurant? the manderin

42. What is your favorite ice cream? mint chocochip

43. What is your favorite dessert? i dont' know....

44. What is your favorite kind of soup? creamy tomatoe

45. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? JAM rasberry.

46. Do you like Chinese food? oh fuck yea.

47. Do you like coffee? not really.

48. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average? a lot.

49. What do you drink in the morning? water

51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? yea the left usually...i guess.

52. Do you know how to play poker? haha sorta.

53. Do you like to cuddle? with anyone!

54. Have you ever been to Canada? fuck that. no.

55. Do you have an addictive personality? haha yea.

56. Do you eat out or at home more often? all over the place.

58. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? mhm

59. Do you want kids? yea, i think so.

60. Do you speak any other languages? no

61. Have you ever gotten stitches? hahah yea.

62. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? yuuup

63. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? i love salt water. i hate when it's black though.

64. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seats? window. i hate being knocked around in the aisle.

65. Do you know how to drive stick? sure do

66. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? CLOTHES

67. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7? nose ring.belly button ring.

68. What is your favorite TV show? uhhh 8 simple rules.

69. Can you roll your tongue? yeeeaaaa

70. Who is the funniest person you know? nate

71. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? a

72. What is the main ring tone on your phone?

73. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? i dont' think so. maybe a cute shoe or sumps.

74. What red object is closest to you right now? wrapping paper.

75. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth? yea. it takes me like 5 minutes. i walk all over the house. haha.

76. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? depends what i was thinking when i was in my closest last.

77. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? Bear.

79. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? honey

80. What is your favorite food? cheese

81. Can you change the oil on a car? Nope.

82. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? yea

83. Have you ever run out of gas? with my mom

84. What is your usual bedtime? when i'm tired.

85. What was the last book you read? high fidelity

86. Do you read the newspaper? occasionally.

87. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope.

89. Do you watch soap operas? No.

90. Do you dance in the car? Oh yes.

91. What radio station did you last listen to? i don't know.

92. Who is in the picture frame closest to you? my sister, my bapa milica, and i

93. What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper? probably a phone number.

94. What is your favorite candle scent? i dont' know.

95. What is your favorite board game? catch phrase, it deffinately doesn't have a board though.

97. When was the last time you attended church? haha wow, it's actually been a while.

98. Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Mr. Zinkie.

99. What is the longest you have ever camped out in a tent? ten days.

100. Who was the last person to do something extra special for you? mmmmm brock probably..,
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