It sure would be nice to have some horrible excuse to use this icon. It's hawt and stuff! but Hikawa/Hero? noooooo.
oh man, I am so dumb. I can't believe I never thought to google search "MegaTen" before now. L.O.L.Z.
eh What is up with his colours? He has TWO. Aquaish and red. NOT ORANGE. And what is with that facial expression? The background looks like it was directly ripped off the game, so that's very coooool. This artist has some of the Demons of the game too, but I don't care about them. Except
Angel cause everyone loves her perverted holiness.
group shot???? Whut. Is he...holding hands with Chiaki? NOOOOO that is so OOC!!! I know we know NOTHING of the three before the game, but somehow there is nothing that would make me believe elitist Chiaki would date him. He's always seemed kinda...uhm..like the type of guy who would go to school and think nothing of it, who just was kinda "there", not the guy you'd notice. And Chiaki is the type to date "stars", "Idols" of the school, you know?
I also always had the impression the three of them were barely friends, not the kind of people to hang out all the time...HHMMMMM but you know what? The more I think about it, that's probably wrong. Yeah, they probably are closer than I think. Isamu has Ven's phone number, and tells him to wear that demon jacket. So Isamu hangs out with him often enough to know his wardrobe. And Chiaki takes the magazine from him easily, which is either cause they are friends or cause she's bossy.
WAI this ming pao is too cute. oooh look at that kikuri..okay I take it back, I care about the monsters too :D
woooow this other site has a lot of the new game's dude. I love his hat. :D
whhaaat there are all the other peeps too...TOO CUTE FOR WORDS. WHAATT there is even a little Magatama!!!! heartsx10000! dante..forneous..pixie.. it looks like this is a picture diary of someone's playthrough. wowie.
shimegami.com, dude. what's the product in those black boxes? I don't care what it is, gimme! XD I think those are the trading cards, actually, which I will never, ever, get my hands on. T_T
OMFG! woooow he looks so....dramatic. "Damn right I'm gonna shape the world! *shoves chiaki and isamu*" heh. cheesy loooove.
what..whaaaaaaaaaaaaat it's a doujinshi!! That is SO AWESOME! god I want to translate this. It looks 'tardedly funny. "How to play the card game, with really silly facial expressions by all".
ooh I like that one.
ah I knew there would be a doll SOMEWHERE. Of course I'll never get one, I mean it sais rare right in the img title! ha. ha. The tats are slightly off in the middle but at least your stance is correct! (sorry too much Taki/soulcaliburIII) I also don't understand why his official art peeps decided to give him such bulky wrists. PET PEEVE DESU. oh well, it's not like fan art peeps don't feminize him to death anyway.
aaah! AAH !AA *has an orgasm* you can hear the opn song! and wooo I love that shot of his face, he looks so evil. I CANT BELIEVE I never went to the official JP site before. *facepalm*
WOW that is so cool...it's a picture but you can spin around and see behind him like 3d. neat-o!
Smiling?! Noooo take that off! nooo no smiles! *laughs* It just looks so damn weird, doesn't it. I gotta MELLOW OUT.
WOW this artist is just PER-FEC-TION. GOD DAMN she gets him, every line. Look at that, she put him in different clothes and yet it's PERFECT cause it's got his marks and seriously what happened to his jacket anyway and yet hikawa/hero still makes me WTF and I can't stop talking like this cause just look at how awesome her work is! I AM IN HEAVEN.
HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT! Thank you, LJ interest search, for coming up with
nazzy_chan because she made this MIND BOGGLINLY HUGE list of links for me to drool over. I am so so so so so dead.
http://shindds.cside4.com/search/http://ww5.enjoy.ne.jp/~matsuhon7/tenjitop.htmlhttp://www.geocities.jp/spacejam505/top/framepageTOP.htmhttp://enemy000.fc2web.com/index.htmlhttp://lt-36.sub.jp/http://tamichan.cside.com/http://rojoe074z.mond.jp/zplcev74.htmlhttp://torajiro.fc2web.com/http://www.spl-h.biz/pavlov/pd_f.htmlhttp://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~qg5m-yd/index.htmlhttp://www.geocities.jp/bound_us/http://hydro.versus.jp/http://eoo.cheap.jp/spoon/http://noh.vis.ne.jp/http://k-3104.eco.to/http://chainsaw.ifdef.jp/http://park3.wakwak.com/~kyo_5/souko/top.htmlhttp://lovelabo.ciao.jp/top.htmlhttp://tange.vis.ne.jp/http://megalomania.client.jp/G.htmlhttp://rantenran.velvet.jp/rtr/top.htmlhttp://www.it.sakura.ne.jp/~spangle/http://cmsl.sakura.ne.jp/diary/index.htmlhttp://momomame.hp.infoseek.co.jp/dds/dds_index.htmhttp://www.ogaki-tv.ne.jp/~acid/g/illust.htmhttp://gifu.cool.ne.jp/rinnjyuu/doro/http://www013.upp.so-net.ne.jp/toiro/oji-ya/wakako.htmlhttp://www013.upp.so-net.ne.jp/toiro/oji-ya/index.htmlhttp://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~mutuya/top.htmlhttp://sgmm.fc2web.com/frame.htmlhttp://qma.jp/tiro/contents.htmlhttp://www.ztv.ne.jp/moe/menu.htmlhttp://demon.s16.xrea.com/demon.htmlhttp://glacier.lix.jp/grass/annex/http://ponzone.fc2web.com/index.htmlhttp://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Rook/4989/newpage1.htmhttp://f16.aaa.livedoor.jp/~vortex/menu.htmlhttp://www.pure.cc/~dnk/http://www1.kagacable.ne.jp/~osega/momo.htmlhttp://www1.kagacable.ne.jp/~osega/ura.htmlhttp://night.vis.ne.jp/enigma/enigma.htmhttp://hina.pupu.jp/scalar/http://fiction.jp/~nanato/top.htmhttp://fun.poosan.net/aba/MONO.htmhttp://aqua-sky.que.jp/data/0_page/a_s.htmlhttp://www.eonet.ne.jp/~char/sat-index.htmhttp://www3.to/ddsw/http://chronopigeon.sakura.ne.jp/ppm/http://www.ogaki-tv.ne.jp/~acid/top.htmhttp://www13.ocn.ne.jp/~karasu/dds/illasut/a.illsut.top.htmlhttp://www2.tiara.cc/~mame/id/top.htmlhttp://karuraeko.fc2web.com/index.htmlhttp://freett.com/MANEKATA/ ((FROM BOTTOM TIL HERE))