I said I would catalogue all the aliens in Mass Effect 2 by what hilarious nicknames we here at Casa Del ....... Us, call them (fuck we need a house name now that there are more than two people with LJ usernames living here, quick, let's vote and pick a name or something).
So, without further ado:
in no order of relevance to the plot we have...
Monotonous Elephants, otherwise known as the Elcor. They look like elephants with no trunks, they talk in a monotone, they are the stars of Hamlet. What is not to love.
Proselytizing Polite Jellyfish, who are also very mercantile. Sometimes called Hanar but really "preacher" and "store guy" jellyfish covers the whole species.
Space Gypsies in their little Space Gypsy Safety Suits. Quarians. They, like, have compromised immune systems and they are migrant and travel in a space-age caravan, are good with machines and tinkering, and have funny accents; also everyone seems to mistrust them basically based only on them being a gypsy analogue and for no other good reason.
Sexy Lady Minbari, or Sexy Monogendered Minbari depending on your view of things; Asari. I love the Asari when they are defying your stereotypes about women and especially about Hot Alien Babes in science fiction. Because they absolutely are the Hot Alien Babes that Captain Kirk would be chasing the skirts of in Star Trek. They even have kind of a rap for sleeping with like, every other species ever. Except that this is their strategy for keeping their gene pool diverse, and except that they are socially, economically, and politically the most powerful species in the game. And they aren't shabby in the military arena, either, because OHFUCK ASARI COMMANDO. SHE'S GONNA MESS YOU UP.
DINO SHARKS. Krogans. The best aliens. Need I say more?
We have decided Turians are more or less just Oh Shit A Velociraptor! Or a Velociraptor with a Painted Face.
I have nothing on Salarians right now, other than FastTalkingAlienScienceGuyOhMyGodShutUpILoveYouButYouNeverPause Aliens. The.... short guys, what are they called, the short angry guys in suits? Nothing really on them, either.
More forthcoming but the other species are kind of like "SURPRISE WE HAVE MORE ALIENS IN THE SEQUEL LOL."
And then there are the space monkeys. Who create in me a deep and profound sense of rage and hatred.