Aug 09, 2005 12:15
As some ofyou know I've been on holiday from work for a week. and god! talk about shitty holidays. the week before I had lots of days off cuase my boss got her days mixed up, and that week I was violetntly ill.
so this week thinking great im, over the worst of it and now I have Tonsillitis, I feel like crap! and I have to go back to work on thursday :( and I dont know if i can call in and say i need days off since i already had 7 days off.
ughh!!! the doctor has given me penicillin but if i dont get better in 4 days i have to go back for a blood test to see if i have glandular fever so I basically feel like crap which is the reason why i havent dont much online lately. all i've really done is walk the dog sleep and watch tv I just dont feel like doing much else. I've been to tired and ache