what I wouldn't do for Yuffie...

Nov 14, 2008 15:47

I got rid of my PS2 when I left Japan (seriously, I could't afford to send any more things home at the rate I was going) and one of my friends bought it. I just got the new slimline PS2 (which, OMG, is so tiny!) and decided I would replay the FF series, starting from VII.

And I'm DYING to get Yuffie. I usually get Yuffie the first chance I can, which is right outside Fort Condor, but remembering that Vincent has an unusual reaction to Yuffie if you have him in your party when you happen upon her, I decided to, just this once to get Vincent first. UGH, I MISS YUFFIE. It feels so odd and queer not to have her around for several of the fights. For one thing, I've got weapons for her up the hooha. I'm about to finish the Gi Cave... which means I'll be getting Vincent and THEN I'LL GET YUFFIE.

Also. it's weird playing the game on a flatscreen. Everything seems just slightly fuzzy if you look closely.

Though, on that note, I went to Zack's house in Gongaga for the very first time without Aeris or Tifa, and had a Cloud-only reaction to their questions. But, yeah, I started over so I could watch Aeris again and...

I'd forgotten how stupidly tragic Zack's life ended up, because of stupid Shinra and Hojo. For one thing, his poor mom and dad. Ten years, and still with no knowledge that their only child's dead. And Aeris; Zack didn't dump her, he didn't just lose interest. He was trapped in that lab for five years, and in the end, he was still as cheerful as ever and died to save Cloud.

ARGH. I totally got all choked up last night over Gongaga. One thing about the Final Fantasy VII Compilation that I'll always be grateful for, is the expanded history and life we get on Zack. It's subtle and wonderful in the game, but having the rest just makes me a happy camper.

Seriously. There's Aeris-resurrection fics. Where's the Zack resurreciton fics?

ffvii, video games

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