This movie...
I'll be honest. I like it more than the first movie. A lot of reviews tend in the other direction, but the first movie was incredibly boring for me. For the most part, I was thinking of other stuff when I watched it (unless Susan and/or Edmund was onscreen) and it was, in general, not my sort of movie. Yeah, it had an epic battle. Yeah, I loved the faun. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it was still boring.
Prince Caspian was... well, it's hard to describe. When I first saw the promo pics for Caspian, I was just a teeny bit startled because he looked so much older than the rest of the cast. And then I saw a poster and Susan also looked a lot older than she did in the first movie (whereas Peter looks and feels almost the same to me).
It's not better per se, but for me, there was more stuff to pay attention to and watch. The sequel is grittier and far moodier, and I like that. And yes, yes, I'm quite shallow! Caspian is hot. And of course, once I saw the movie, I saw why they might have made Susan and Caspian look and feel older than they might have been in the book.
Funny, I don't remember a romance between Caspian and Susan in the book.
But then, I always tend to separate book and movie in my head, so this didn't bother me at all. In fact, I rather liked it. I do love long glances, exchanges of stares, and meaningful silences that ultimately will lead nowhere because, really, this is Susan's last appearance in the movies. *twitch* One reason why the rest of the series lost much of my interest. The way everyone simply dismissed Susan after that just made me... GAHUOIHEOIEJHWRFJEWLFJLKEWRREFEW.
And now they've introduced some random romance (which I found cute) that will have nowhere to go, unless they DRAMATICALLY CHANGE THE PLOTLINE FOR THE NEXT FEW MOVIES IN ORDER TO INCLUDE PETER AND SUSAN.
Don't even let me get started on the last book. Especially don't let me get started on the fact that those closest and dearest to Susan die in a railway crash and they never bring up her story and how she survived that loss.
... obviously, I have unresolved issues with this series.
After the first two books, not having Susan around is a huge disappointment for me. I remember feeling bored by the other novels in the series and The Last Battle infuriated me when I reread it in college.