Nov 16, 2006 13:38

So... I preordered the game at Gamestop but I have to wait for my darling brother to go pick it up and send it to me, so I think it'll be a few weeks... or a few months before I get to play it.

Well, that's alright. I haven't even started KHII yet, sadly enough, and I have to get through that before I hit FFXII. I've been looping around various gameboards to get a feel for the game and I have to say there sure is a lot of disagreement over whether this was a good game or not.

GOOD. FFX-2 was generally shat upon when it came out, but I actually really liked it. It was cute, it had Rikku as one of the main characters, and their costumes were to die for. Sure, it was episodic. Sure, it turned one of the saddest and most original endings to a game upside down. Sure, it seemed to say that Tidus disappearing... wasn't actually the world's biggest deal, though for those of us who played it and sat numbly in front of the TV as the ending credits rolled...

But it was novel. It was new. It experimented. And you know what? I like experimentation. I like new things. I like it when the shake things up to search for a possibly-killer-new FF staple. Some of it doesn't work quite (see - card game in FFIX), and some of it is absolutely fabulous (see - card game in FFVIII) and some of it is just plain cool (see - everything else!). I know there's somethings I don't really like about the look of FFXII, but that doesn't mean much!

So yeah! I can't wait to play this game!


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