After 22 years, I finally have a place to call my own. Yes, folks, I have an apartment in Denver.
Well, I have a receipt for a security deposit for an apartment in Denver. Lease pending...I hope.
For those interested in all aspects of my life - no matter how mundane - here's a rough floorplan of my 400-something square foot deathtrap. ;) Isn't my shoebox nice? With a few curtains, it'll look...well, better than the 100 square feet of dorm I had for four years. Because it has a kitchen! A real kitchen INSIDE, not in the basement! I can make brownies without walking down three flights of stairs! And it has a tub! I finally have a tub! I can sit down, or take bubble baths, or tie-dye, or wash the neighbor's dog!
You get the picture. So I'll be moving around September 1st (we hope) and begin my illustrious (we hope) career teaching freshmen how to write. Hey, that sounds familiar...yes, I'll be putting my skills to good use as a teaching assistant for DU's Mass Communications program. No clue exactly what I'll be doing yet, but I should know soon. And then I can keep a wild and crazy journal about my (mis)adventures in Denver!
Day One: Must buy gloves. All other students laughing at my blue fingers.
Day Two: Was invited to ski. Refused due to prior unfortunate incident with skiing. Fear am ostracized from Denver community.
Day Three: Have reinstated place in Denver community by buying whole-wheat tofu rolls and free-range macaroni from Whole Foods. Am invited to party by new friends with dreadlocks and purses made of hemp. Decide to go once find clothes not tested on animals.
Day Four: Spent day watching all the pretty colors...
Ok, maybe my adventures won't be so wild and crazy. I'll just have to make up interesting things and tell people that they happened. Or find something funny to say about that one time I went to Blockbuster and they didn't have Chicago. Wait, that wasn't funny. Just sad.
Now it's time for me to see if all of my books and clothes will fit into my little shoebox. Huh. I like that. That shall be the name of my apartment! My Little Shoebox.