Christmas Eve at my grandmas was good this year. Why? Because she put out hard liquor cause she claimed she wanted to "get rid of some of it". Well, I got rid of some of it for you, grandma. =D lol I got kind of progressively more drunk as the night went on, even though I stopped drinking after an hour of being there. Idek what happened. lol I had vodka and some rum. Oh how I have missed vodka. ♥
First picture. My cousin Dalton playing some ancient video game platform called "Playstation." Very interesting stuff.
The glory of the night. Most of it was this nasty whiskey shit. So we stuck to the vodka and rum. lol
James being... James.
Osi (my cousins baby) in his Santa outfit with my uncle Tom. LOL Osi is so big. He's not even a year old yet. O.O
I told you I spilt booze on my pants. =( Sad part is that I wasn't even drunk yet.
My mom and Paul chillin'.
My cousin Abby. :3 She's adorable.
She kept wanting to pose for pictures. LOL
James, again... being James.
Gift opening time!
Back to front: My cousins Dylan and Samantha, and their mom, my Aunt Tina.
My mom about to lay the smack down on some kids. Not really, but it looks that way. =P
One of my uncles girlfriends kids. He's so cute.
Catching Dalton off-guard. lol James kept calling him Waldo because of his shirt.
Osi again! He looked so tired the whole night. lol
My Uncle Michael with his girlfriends kids.
James laying on the floor cause it was really hot in my grandmas house and he claimed the floor was the coolest location. lol
James playing Abby's keyboard that she got. She was getting so pissed at him. LOL
Christmas morning was good, too. Got up at like 5:45am as usual. We get up early to open gifts. lol We like to do it when it's still dark out for whatever reason. It just doesn't feel right otherwise.
I got pretty much everything that I asked for, which was nice. Since I don't really feel like talking about what I got, I have pictures. :3
New headphonessssssss! Finally! My good ones broke in two in the summer and I had been using these like, probably 7 year old headphones for months. The quality was pretty bad. =\ But these headphones... Ugh, orgasms in my ears.
I gots a new computer chair. =D Wasn't expecting this one, but I loooove it. My other chair was kinda falling apart... lol This one is so comfy.
My computer set up with my new chair. :3
Who doesn't like fluffy, comfortable socks?
Shirts that Paul got me.
My new video card and fans for my computer. =D The fans are HUGE. I do not remember there being a size on the website my mom ordered them from... I'm not even sure if these will fit in my computer. LOL
Books! I got the Dan Brown one from Paul. He likes his books. lol And the Carrie Fisher one I had asked for. Gonna read it as soon as I finish Darkly Dreaming Dexter.
Season 4 of the X-Files and The Fame Monster. Weeeeeeeeeeeee!
These are things I bought for myself with my Christmas/birthday money. lol Some make up and a book.
Annnnndddd Paul using a remote control car to chase Chance around the house with. lol
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