It's Almost Here

Dec 16, 2008 06:01

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I can't get my mom off my ass about Christmas. >.<

She keeps asking me if there's anything more I want, then when I say I can't think of any other things she gets all whiny like, "That's it?!!". Yeah, you'd think it would be great to have a mom who wants you to think of more things for them to buy you for Christmas, but I truly am out of ideas. Plus, I just don't want much.

I think my mom doesn't get that I'm about to be 21 years old. I'm not a little girl anymore, I don't need a lot of presents. She still wants me to have that Christmas where I walk downstairs and there seems like there's at least 100 gifts under the tree for me. But I'm older now and I just don't have as many wants anymore.

Then there's the factor that I'm her only child. I'm the only one she buys for. Well, she buys a few things for Paul. lol

But yeah, after her hounding me for 2 weeks I finally buckled down and wrote up a "list". It was a pretty pathetic list, considering she was expecting more.

I told her I wanted a Nintendo DS (which is kind of funny, considering I totally had a DS about 2-3 years ago when they first came out, but I ended up selling it for a PSP a few months later when it was released). I totally thought I could buy her off with that item alone, since it's like $150 dollars, but nope. She needed more suggestions. So I wrote down a few DVDs and books. She still wasn't impressed, but whatever. She's gonna deal. lol

She was like "You want BOOKS?" LOL Yes mom, I like to read sometimes. Then she gave me a weird look when I told her one of them was a philosophy book. Good to know I'm still her "Strange Child".

Oh, and she asked if I wanted her to take me out to a bar sometime after my birthday (my birthday is Christmas, can't do it then). Think I'm gonna take her up on that.

And LOL I just spent literally 10 minutes trying to figure out if I wanted the Coral Pink or Metallic Rose DS. My mom had to switch through the pictures like 15 times. I went with the Metallic. -nods-


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