I think I had too much coffee. =\ I bought a venti (large) mocha frap while leaving the store today. The caffeine is killing me.
And omg, I got my old Gameboy Color out yesterday and literally played Pokemon Blue for an hour. O.O;; My Charmander (Charma for short) is level 20 now. =D I almost want to buy other versions of Pokemon... I need to grow up. I really do. I can imagine stealing my kids gaming systems and not letting them play it because Mommy is trying to beat a certain game.
Btw, there was a post about an actress that doesn't know how to ride a bike on
ohnotheydidnt and like, 30 people commented saying they never learned how to ride a bike either. Wtf? How can that many people not know how to ride a bike?! I mean... what did they DO when they were kids? My bike was like, 90% of my childhood.
That's it. When I have kids, I'm not letting them go near a computer until they are at least 13. Because I refuse to have a child that doesn't even know how to ride a bike. It's just depressing to think that most kids now days barely see the light of day because they'd rather be on the computer or playing video games. I mean, I played video games too when I was a kid, but that wasn't ALL I did. I'm actually quite amazed I spent as much time outside as I did, since I remember being on computers by the age of at least 6. I'm glad I enjoyed being outside and playing cops and robbers. -nods-
Oh, and new layout/header.
Coding by
minty_peach | Header by
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