well, so far so good

Jun 06, 2006 00:10

Well, it is 06/06/06 and it is currently about 12:10am. I am still here as is Earth. So, YAY. I am glad we are all still around and hope that this remains to be true throughout the day. If the world does end, as some say will happen, or if the good are taken away by some Power to face Judgement and thus the unrightous are left to live on the Earth and I'm one of them, oops. I hope my friends are here too and that I can make it to Santa Rosa to show people how the unsaved, but un-unholy rock the Cazba. Because if you're going to take all the rightous you should take all the truly evil people too because otherwise the Meek that have been awaiting their inheretance for so long will be at least mildy perturbed, still Meek, but kind of upset, and of course, running for their lives from all the killers and everyone. OK, Well, I hope that didn't happen, and if it did, then I'll edit this so that it's not offensive to people.
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