tagged..why oh why!

Aug 18, 2007 20:47

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1.Im an obsessive plant/animal/fossil/book decor collector, dont ask me why but sometimes i even drive myself nuts trying to figure that one out..i guess its not a problem as lomng as i still have room to put everything.

2,My Jaw pops Incessantly when i eat. i have tmj and never had the surgery to fix it, im sure my bottom jaw will end up falling out in the middle of eating a steak or something equally as stupid. i also have eczema.and i scratch it even though i know it makes me break out more....uggh.

3.I have lived in Spokane Washington,Boise Idaho,Indianapolis Indiana, and here in salt lake city utah, and yes in that order would you like them listed alphabetically?...>;)

4.I am obsessive compulsive about the kitchen,if breadcrumbs get left sprinkled all over the counter or coffee poured into the sink but not rinsed down the drain i flip out!...yep.. im crazy.

5.I give my snake and cats and newts kisses on their little faces..because their so cute i cannot resist. i mean they just have to be kissed!

6.I am obsessed with gardening,as we speak i am laying out next springs planting and landscaping plans..MUAH HUA!!

7.i love my husband because hes SUPER Awesome. and we MIss our bestfreind from Indiana DRU CADAVER! who im happy to say will be coming out to visit soon!

i tag,kellya,spinmoonmajic,eternal_strigoi,martin j dekay,
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