Who: Rita
Where: the roof
When: day
Rating: NC-17 on account of Rita
Summary: Rita is walking on the roof
The Story:
Ah, cold rain. Cold enough to sting, but not cold enough to yield snow.
It drenched her, soaked her, came in torrents and gusts of sleet. Rita's footing was starting to fumble as she made her way along the very edge of the roof. The staff were too busy to have noticed her leave, or they didn't care. Rita decided that a Dorothy's-eye-view of the surrounding area would be best aquired from the rooftop. So, after some exploring, she found her way to the top of the building. Now she walked, one foot in front of the other, along the slick roof's edge. The view was gray and bleak. Deep puddles formed far down below. They seemed bottomless and inviting under the dark clouds of the sky. Rita posted herself facing outward, her heels together, feet at forty-five degree angles. Shoulders back, spine straight, she brought her arms up in a diver's pose.
The rain pounded her, smashing against her steadfast frame, mashing her hair flat against her cheeks and bashing her eyelids. Despite it all, she smiled to herself. She lowered her arms, resting her hands on her hips and surveying the new mission ground.
What's first on the list, mother? Should I try to find Rainheart? Or should I begin hunting Lilia immediately... And what about Rion? Is he somewhere here? They must be... They ALL must be...