(no subject)

May 15, 2007 22:33

Me and my aunt recently started this new thing between us. We now address one another as "Hag" and "Dimwit" regularly. Like this:

Me: Hi hag!
Aunt: Hi dimwit!

She always had a sort of association with the word "hag." She works at a nursing home, and she once said "some of those old hags are a hundred and five!" Then we started calling the mean old ladies she works with "the hags," then I called her a "hag roller," then she referred to herself as "a hag rolling a hag." So it all went from there. It really snowballed when I started associating her with Genkai because of her surliness and how she looks. So I told her to start calling me "dimwit," and she did. XD

Also, this is Itsuki, in my aunt's own words:

"I like that one villian that you saw in the chair... Across the room... With the green stringy hair..."

Gotta love my aunt. XD
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