(no subject)

Dec 02, 2004 16:38

well i'm free. i've actually been free since monday, just haven't felt like updating. i've been grounded for 9 days. WHOS FAULT IS THAT??? coughJAREDcough haha, no its not really his fault, i just love blaming him :P

my 4 day weekend sucked BIG time. not only was i grounded, but i was sick the whole time too.
my xmas list: Kacei, Kevin, Caitie
i think thats the only people i'm getting gifts for this year. after last year, i got a certain SOMEONE a gift but that certain SOMEONE didn't get me one *evil stare* YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE haha, now before you all go thinking i'm some selfish pig (which i probably am :P...kidding) i'm j/k i FORGIVE...haha, ok enough with that. i'm getting kacei a tamagotchi and something else, haven't decided yet...and she's getting me a tamagotchi and something else i don't know about. i'm getting kevin a toilet bowl brush (don't ask) and my necklace, i'm buying him another one. he's giving me his awesome kickass black label shirt that i love so much, and he might get me his necklace (that i also love so much) haha I'M GETTING A USED TEE-SHIRT FOR XMAS AND DAMN PROUD! just thought i'd get that out. :D :P
ohh and the best gift BY FAR will be my guitar. yes I kailey, am getting a guitar! woot woot!

egg nog by the gallon
egg nog by the cup
it tastes the same way going down
as it does coming up

i LOVE egg nog!!!!! as does kacei. we crave egg nog while we're in school. we should just keep it in a hip flask or something...like mad-eye moody LMAO!! all you harry potter freaks should know what i'm talking about

-and then it ended
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