Nov 15, 2003 12:00
last night i went to starbucks, and they couldn't even manage an iced vanilla latte. man, i am never going there again. unless, of course, i am with joel and megan and macrae and travis and company. because then the fact that they use non-fat milk isn't such a pressing issue. it still makes a difference, mind you, but not as much.
while at megans, travis and i discussed the various modes of the major scale, and how to use the circle of fifths. there is so much to learn about so many different things. so many aspects of music that i haven't even begun to delve into. it is overwhelming sometimes, but is also exciting. so much to learn.
about everything, really. we're eighteen years old, and haven't seen shit. thats why joel and i decided it would be a good thing to go to europe. and out of everyone in the world, i cant think of any other person that i'd rather go with. so come summer, thats where you'll find us: wandering the cobble-stones streets of paris, or atop some stormy mountain in the midsts of the alps. swiss, french, italian. who cares?
but anyway, i still cant kill the beast.