you don’t know where your interests lie

Sep 27, 2003 14:08

so the other night i saw radiohead - it was one of the most amazing things that i've ever seen; thom yorke is crazy, and the greenwood brothers are hardcore rockers, for sure. it really made me want to play music, though. with a band, and all. i miss doing that.

01 there there
01 2+2=5
03 lucky
04 myxomatosis
05 where i end and you begin
06 backdrifts
07 airbag
08 paranoid android
09 sail to the moon
10 i will
11 lurgee
12 the gloaming
13 idioteque
14 scatterbrain
15 the national anthem
16 exit music
17 sit down. stand up

Encore #1:
18 like spinning plates
19 a punchup at a wedding
20 go to sleep
21 street spirit

Encore #2:
22 karma police
23 everything in its right place

Who will love a little Sparrow who's traveled far and cries for rest? "Not I," said the oak tree,"I won't share my branches with no sparrow's nest, and my blanket of leaves won't warm her cold breast."

Who will love a little Sparrow and who will speak a kindly word? "Not I," said the swan, "The entire idea is utterly absurd, I'd be laughed at and scorned if the other swans heard."

And who will take pity in his heart, And who will feed a starving sparrow? "Not I," said the golden wheat, "I would if I could but I cannot I know, I need all my grain to prosper and grow."

Who will love a little Sparrow? Will no one write her eulogy? "I will," said the earth, "For all I've created returns unto me, From dust were ye made and dust ye shall be." [simon]

i think i even miss that goddam maurice.
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